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  • VIVA - Berita Terbaru - Stream

    VIVA - Berita Terbaru - Stream

    7.3 3.6.1 2024-12-26
    pembelajaran pendidikan

VIVA provides the latest & accurate news, with live streaming tvOne and ANTV.

The most recent and popular information are crafted into our app. User can search articles, photos and videos with ease and in a short amount of time. Our app is also enriched with the feature live streaming tvOne and ANTV.

Quality Contents are updated every day:

- Video: VIVA

- Berita Terbaru

- Berita Headline

- Breaking News

- Hot Issue

- Berita Nasional, Politik, Dunia, Metro, Bisnis, Otomotif, Sorot, Fokus dan Wawancara

- Berita Bola dan Sport: Liga Indonesia, Liga Inggris, Liga Italia, Liga Spanyol, Nasional, Bola Sejagat, Klasemen, Livescore, Livematch, Statistik Hasil Pertandingan, Soccertainment, Profil Tim dan profil Pemain

- Berita Life: Style, Showbiz, Celebrity, Food, Living, Travel, Health, Parenting, Teen, Sex, Relationship

- Berita Otomotif: Mobil, Motor, Review, Modifikasi, Babes, Komunitas, Tips, Pesohor, Unik

- Foto galeri

- Live Streaming tvOne dan ANTV

Producing the most advanced features:

- Easy & Modern Navigation

- Fast Loading Data

- Auto Update Content

- Article Searching

- Article Comment

- Offline Article

- Rate the Article

- Rate the App

- VIVA ID Registration

- Social Media and VIVA ID Log in

- Profile Customization

- Video Like

Exclusive features on Live Streaming tvOne and ANTV, users can access numerous premium shows. This includes:

Live Streaming tvOne : One Pride MMA, Indonesia Lawyers Club, Kabar Petang, Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam, Kabar Pagi, Kabar Arena, Damai Indonesiaku, Kabar Pasar, Kabar Siang, Menyingkap Tabir.

Live Streaming ANTV : Pesbukers, Jejak Leluhur, Jodoh Wasiat Bapak, Karma The Series, Wanita Perindu Surga, Bikin Mewek, Chandranandini

Download now and enjoy the most popular and latest news from VIVA - along with the feature of Live streaming tvOne and ANTV - right on Your smartphone!

What's New in the Latest Version 3.6.1

Last updated on Jul 16, 2021 - Bugs fixing
- Image Optimization

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