WebMD Allergy membantu Anda mengendalikan gejala terburuk Anda. Kapan pun. Di manapun.
Based on the allergies you have, the free WebMD Allergy app for Android will help you prepare for each day with a personalized allergy and weather forecast along with doctor-approved tips that can be customized to your and your family's specific allergies. You can also track how you feel, RECORD symptoms and treatments, and add notes through an easy to use allergy tracker. Before your doctor appointments, generate reports to share with your doctor.
The WebMD Allergy app helps you to control your allergy symptoms by showing you the allergy levels in your area before you start your day. Whenever, Wherever.
130 Tips – 193 Articles – 12 Videos – 15 Slideshows – 36 Quizzes
WebMD Allergy is specially designed and customized for people with the following allergies:
✓ Outdoor/Hay Fever
✓ Indoor/Year-Round
✓ Food
✓ Skin
✓ Drug
✓ Insect Bites and Stings
✓ Latex
WebMD Allergy is organized into 4 easy-to-use sections:
♦ Allergy Forecast
WebMD Allergy delivers up-to-date allergen levels based on your location. If you're traveling, you can look up the allergy forecast for your destination and save locations that you frequently visit. Have kids with allergies? You can manage each family member's allergies using individual profiles, too. You can now get proactive with managing your entire family's allergies from one place, anytime, anywhere!
♦ Allergies 101
Browse through WebMD Allergy 's rich library of allergy articles, slideshows and videos in 7 categories: Outdoor, Indoor, Skin, Drug, Food, Insect Bites and Stings, and Latex. Or you can search to quickly find exactly what you're looking for.
♦ Weather Forecast
Get the 3-day weather forecast for your area or another saved location.
♦ Allergy Tracker
Track how you feel, your RECORD symptoms and treatments, and add notes daily. Generate a report you can share with your doctor.
Jika Anda seorang penduduk California, undang -undang California dapat memberi Anda hak -hak tertentu mengenai penggunaan informasi pribadi Anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut yang relevan bagi pengguna kami yang merupakan penduduk California, silakan tinjau bagian "Warga California" dari kebijakan privasi kami yang ditautkan di halaman unduhan ini atau di dalam aplikasi kami.
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