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  • Your are so Geek...

    Your are so Geek...

    7.3 6.0.1 2024-12-27
    Komunikasi dan sosial

You're so geek you'll love this free nerd app!

Let's have fun between Geeks ! The funiest Geek community !

★★★ Geeks & Nerds Jokes sent by our members ★★★

✓ You're so geek that you would like to be a computer to reboot your life in safe mode

✓ You're so geek that if asked to cite the alphabet you'd say: "In QWERTY or AZERTY?"

✓ You're so geek that you don't find people ugly but poorly optimized graphically

✓ You're so geek that on your tombstone engraving it will be written "Game Over"

✓ You're so geek that you don't grow up but level up instead.

✓ You're so geek that you came out of your room to discover that your family had moved

✓ You're so geek that you did download this app.

✓ You're so geek that you press ALT+F4 if your mother asks you to close the window.

✓ You're so geek that you send a request to the server at the restaurant.

✓ Kamu sangat geek sehingga, ketika kamu menikah, kamu belum bisa membisikkan "preciiiiious ..." ketika menempatkan cincin jari istrimu.

✓ You're so geek that you believe 1km = 1024 meters.

✓ You're so geek that you love girls whose eyes and hair are # 0000FF and # FFFF00

✓ You're so geek that going on a trip is launching Google Earth.

✓ You're so geek and ugly that not even Photoshop can fix it

✓ You're so geek that your blood type is "C++"

★★★ Forum for Geeks et Nerds ★★★

While registration is optional, your Waluu user account will give you access to additional functionality including:

✓ Message submission

✓ Message voting and commenting

✓ Adding friends and easily find their messages

✓ Sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!

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