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  • Crazy Chicken Slots

    Crazy Chicken Slots

    8 20130909 2024-12-19
    strategi kartu

Lucky slots are here with the Crazy Chicken Casino Slots for lucky slot players!

Lucky slots are here with the Crazy Chicken Casino Slots which is a great game for lucky players and passing time. Try your luck and you will see you are a winner!

Crazy Chicken Slots full of luck with this new lucky casino slot machine! This lucky slot machine will bring you lots of cherries and enjoyment. I hope you enjoy the new graphics and animation. See how lucky you are and if you can be lucky enough to keep first place.

Simplicity is the main characteristic of the game, as you start the app and there you see the reels ready to spin. You start with 1000 coins and all you have to do is tap on the “Bet” button to start the spin. If you're lucky enough to match 2 or 3 cherries of the same kind in the middle row, you'll get a bonus. The lowest one is 100 points, and the highest is 9000 (for black cherries, those are the best). There are red cherries and black cherries, each with 3 and 2 variations (single cherry, double cherry and triple cherry only for the red ones).

If my math doesn't fail me there are 10 different losing combinations for the middle row (the one that's counted for winning) and 25 winning combinations if we consider that the order in which the cherries show up is not important (and it isn't). This means that the probability for you to win in a regular reel spin is 71.428%, so more or less close to 3 out of 4 spins will be a winning one. This is a game you play for fun that's why the high probability for winning, if only this would be happening in real paying slots…

Here is a list of features you get when you install “Crazy Chicken Casino Slots”:

Easy gameplay. When the game starts you will see the 3 reels with cherry symbols on them and 4 buttons below those: Key, Bet, Max, Spin. When you tap on Key you will see the winning situations and their payout. If you tap on Bet you can increase the amount you want to bet. “Max” will automatically bet the maximum amount allowed and finally “Spin” will move the reels. It's very simple and whenever you get a winning combination you see it mentioned in the “Win” section and that amount will get added to the total score for that play.

Leaderboard. You can share your total score online and see how you compare with other players by tapping on the coin in the top-left corner of the screen when the slot machine is shown. Your score will automatically be uploaded. If you ever need to use a new device your score will automatically be restored.

Suara. The game has its own sounds, enabled by default, which give you an audio signal in certain situations (ie winning combo or trio). If you don't like it though, you can disable the sound from the main interface.

Easy Luck. Crazy Chicken Casino Slots is simple enough to let you start playing right away without configuring anything. Just start it and let the reels of fortune spin, you'll win enough times even if you're not usually lucky, as the odds are on your side.

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