halaman depanpermainanBisnis simulasi
  • Dog Simulator

    Dog Simulator

    7 4.0 2024-12-04
    Bisnis simulasi

Menyenangkan untuk bermain dengan anjing -anjing di kota. Who does not love that?

Was developed for people who no longer need to play this simulation played. Traffic lights in the city, poles, bus shelters, seats, bins and were prepared for many things apart. People in the game's afraid of you and run away. This cute dog earn points chase them finish their lives.

Game gameplay:

- You make the joystick control of the dog.

- You can see other players with radar.

- You can earn more points with the task system. (Task the info button next to the picture of the animal you're checking you can see the details.)

- Extension of the rise of the power level and rate of destruction.

- A non-boring OTA control my game with realistic sound make this easy for you.

Developers can from the options other goods for other games play simulation played a lot of animals. Selamat bersenang-senang!

Apa yang baru di versi 4.0 terbaru

Last updated on Jan 7, 2016 Update Performance

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