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  • Doll Lady's Body Surgery

    Doll Lady's Body Surgery

    8.9 1.0.0 2025-03-26
    permainan peran

Doll Lady's Body Surgery is a doctor role play game which is full of challenge.

As you can see,this is a pretty Doll Lady and she had a small accident while going down the stairs of the castle. As a doctor you have to help her get better in a new and fun emergency game! Use all the doctor tools to disinfect the wounds and treat them correctly. Gunakan mesin x-ray yang luar biasa untuk mendeteksi patah tulang dan tempat gips seperti dokter profesional. Wanita bundar akan sama baiknya dengan yang baru dalam waktu singkat! Latih keterampilan dokter Anda dan bantu dia pulih sesegera mungkin! Semoga berhasil!

Fitur Game:

- Doll Lady had a small accident while going down the stairs

- Help the Doll Lady recover from the illness,are you ready

- Funny doctor role play,make you never want to stop

- Various versions of beauties help you have fun in this game

- Unlock all the roles and you'll get lots of surprises

- Exquisite and fluent flash,adorable and cute drawings

- Lively scenes design,nice background music

- Simple game with funny operations

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More videos:http://www.youtube.com/c/Candyoyo

Welcome to more funny videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9PGuRRgGXkHkqS3wSSf9xw

Hubungi kami :

If you have any doubts,suggestions or you need some technical support, please tell us . We will be there for you 24 hours every day. Email:[email protected]

Kebijakan Privasi

As a game designer for kids, we know that it is very important to protect individual privacy in the digital time. Anda bisa mendapatkan kebijakan privasi kami dari: http://candyoyo.com/privacy.php

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