Lupa bermain kartu? Play the drinking game Ride the Bus on your mobile device!
Riding the bus is a popular drinking/card game and is being played in multiple rounds. In the first four rounds, all players obtain a single playing card from the deck of cards after answering a question about this card. This means that after playing the first four rounds, each player contains a total of four cards. In the fifth round, a pyramid of cards is being build. In this round, players can lay down their cards on the pyramid. The player with the most cards left at the end of this round is playing the sixth and final round, named Ride the Bus. In the following, all rounds are being explained in more detail.
1. Red or Black?
In this game, all players must guess whether the card has a red or black color. If the player gives a wrong answer, the player must drink.
2. Higher or Lower?
Dalam game ini, semua pemain harus menebak apakah kartu tersebut memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah atau lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kartu pertama, dengan dua menjadi nilai terendah dan ACE menjadi nilai tertinggi. If the player gives a wrong answer, the player must drink.
3. Between or Outside?
In this game, all players must guess whether the card lies between or outside the range of its first two cards. For example, if the first two cards of the player are six and ten, eight would be "Between", while five would be "Outside". If the player gives a wrong answer, the player must drink.
4. Do you have the Suit?
Dalam game ini, semua pemain harus menebak apakah kartu tersebut berasal dari setelan yang sama (sekop, hati, berlian, atau klub) sebagai salah satu dari tiga kartu pertamanya. If the player gives a wrong answer, the player must drink.
5. The Pyramid
In this game, a pyramid of cards is being build. Piramida ada empat lapisan, di mana lapisan bawah berisi empat kartu, lapisan tiga kartu kedua, dll. Satu per satu, kartu piramida diputar, mulai dari lapisan bawah piramida. If a player contains a card with the same value as the turned around card on the pyramid, the player may distribute drinks to fellow players. The number of drinks that a player may distribute, depends on the layer of the pyramid. The higher the layer of the pyramid, the more drinks that may be distributed.
The player with the most cards left at the end of this game, is riding the bus. In case of a tie, the lowest card of these players decides who is riding the bus.
6. Ride the Bus
This game is being played by the loser of the last round. In this game, a new full deck of cards is being used (52 cards). The game exists of five stages, where each stage contains a single card from the deck of cards. The game starts at stage one. The player must guess whether the next card from the deck of cards is higher or lower than the card at the stage. Untuk semua tahap berlaku, jika pemain menebak dengan benar, pemain bergerak ke tahap berikutnya, jika tidak, pemain akan kembali ke tahap pertama. The card at the current stage will be replaced by the new card from the deck of cards.
The player must drink if a wrong answer is given. The number of drinks depends on the stage. At the first stage, the player must drink once, at the second stage, the player must drink twice, etc.
The game ends when the player provides a correct answers in all stages. Also, if the deck of cards is empty, the game ends.
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