Garena streaming
Garena TV (VETV) app was created as video streaming tool, which help you view esport tv real time any where on Viet Nam Esports TV. The tool is developed for:
+ You can view Viet Nam Esports TV any where.
+ You can view by HD or SD for wifi or 3G.
+ Update time by daily.
+ App is good performance for save Battery.
+ The server is running by streaming with high speed and
I'm gamer too, i love League of Legends and i want to donate my tool for LOL community. Let me received your feed back which help me make good than for next time.
Ver 4.1:
+ Add world streams
+ Add world channels
+ Improvement video:
Ver 4.1.1:
+ Fixed bug: crash on opening view.
Ver 4.1.2:
+ Updating streaming server.
Ver 4.1.3:
+ Add LOL Schedules: now you can view all lol matching by schedule
Ver 4.1.4:
+ Add streaming server more
Ver 4.1.5:
+ Add LOL Highlights. now you can view the highlights by pros playa
Ver 4.1.6:
+ Replayout for app.
+ Add replay for schedules. You can view all game by schedule.
change log: 4.20:
- relayout all screen
- change supporting server
- reduct install apk size
- add chating
- add menu
- add Vietnam language
- show confirm pop up when exit app
- fixed bug while download define file
- improvement loading
- fixed bug some time crash app on replay screen
Server update:
- Add more stream
- Add more replay: LOL replay, Faker Replay, OGN Replay, Deft Replay, Impact Replay,...
- Improvement chatting feature.
Garena, Garena TV , Garena Esport, VETV, League of Legends, Lol, Lol Stream, Lol Streams, Lol TV, Lol Replay, Lol Pro Replay, Garena TW, Jadwal Garena, Jadwal LOL, LOL Sorotan LOL
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