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  • Hidden Mahjong Unicorn Garden

    Hidden Mahjong Unicorn Garden

    9.5 1.0.65 2025-02-06
    strategi kartu

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Do you ever picture yourself living in an alternative reality where all of your favorite creatures come to life? Sekarang adalah waktu untuk memainkan permainan petualangan Mahjong favorit baru Anda dan tersesat di taman -taman terpesona Unicorn dan makhluk mistik lainnya!

Embark on a Mahjong adventure through different worlds across a map. Match tiles to clear the board and reveal perfectly picturesque artwork featuring beautiful Unicorns and tons of other enchanted scenes! This free Mahjong game features 480 professionally-designed levels, daily prizes, and even secret treasures to collect.

------ Hidden Mahjong Unicorn Garden MAIN FEATURES -----

UNLOCK new levels, COLLECT amazing treasure, and SPIN prize wheels for bonus coins!

These awesome daily tasks are here to help you earn TONS of coins. Collect items and craft objects and sell them for gold! Match to collect items and unlock prizes in hidden treasure chests!

100 handcrafted backgrounds and 480 AMAZING levels including normal + expert challenges!

Stay busy for hours as you navigate all of the Mahjong challenges and adventures! Take it slow with a normal level, or upgrade with coins to really challenge yourself. Replay for high scores and see how much you improve after every round of Mahjong. Earn three gold stars on every level and all of your friends will be calling you the Mahjong master!

BARU!! Now unlock even MORE BONUS LEVELS!

For every expert level you unlock enter a new red sphere of some seriously awesome bonus levels to master! All of these awesome bonus levels make this one of the most coveted free Mahjong games on google play!

DOWNLOAD all of the majestic and rare unicorn garden pictures with your extra coins!

You heard that right! Master a level and keep each beautiful scene as a reward to use as a phone background and more!


Land 1 - Enchanted Unicorn Garden

Start your Mahjong adventure off with a bang! The enchanted Unicorn Garden is every Unicorn lovers' dream! Explore the world you have always dreamed of living in - where unicorn exists and magical things happen at every corner!

Land 2 - Majestic Mares

Horses are the closest thing we have to Unicorns in reality! Two worlds blend together as these majestic mares dance around the most lovely nature scenes. See what the horses are up to when we aren't looking through the woods and waving meadows of flowers.

Land 3 - Mystic Stallions

The adventure really begins as you enter the land of Mystic Stallions! These strong horses have no fear as the dive into adventure on both land and sea. Can you imagine the

Land 4 - Winterland Creatures

Beristirahatlah di tanah yang menenangkan adegan putih berbulu ini yang menampilkan kuda dan hewan langka lainnya saat mereka berjingkrak melintasi tundra Arktik bersalju.

Land 5 - Legend of Furious Critters

Once again, your journey takes a turn as you enter the fifth land. What's that over there? A lemur doing karate? It couldn't be… No way! What other shenanigans will you see the animals up to in this land?

The fun doesn't have to stop once you have mastered this game! Follow The Mahjong Adventure Series by Difference Games and travel around an unlimited number of fantasy worlds! Are you a reader who gets lost in the pages of your favorite novels? What abot someone who loves taking strolls through manicured gardens or the rustic countryside farmland? Would you be in awe if a fairy suddenly appeared when you'd least expect it? Difference Games' Mahjong games feature all of these beautiful retreats and more. Dan bagian terbaiknya adalah: Kami selalu menciptakan game Mahjong gratis yang baru dan menarik yang memasangkan mekanik permainan yang fantastis dan karya seni profesional 3D tingkat atas sehingga Anda tahu Anda selalu memainkan game seluler Mahjong gratis terbaik!

Please email [email protected] for feedback and suggestions.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.65

Last updated on Aug 23, 2023 HUGE UPDATE
+200 new level images across 10 new lands! Now with 1200 beautiful images to unlock!

----Other Recent Updates----
5 ALL NEW upgradable buildings and bonus levels!
New Mixed Match Mode Bonus Levels
*access these from the rainbow spheres
Bonus Treasures
Level 4 Item Crates
New 3rd and 4th jigsaw puzzles to complete!
New Coin Eggs!
VIP Club!

Added over 8000 bonus levels with various ways to play.

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