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  • Infinity Game

    Infinity Game

    9.3 1.3 2025-03-21
    strategi kartu

is a simple and relaxing and endless game.

Simple, relaxing, endless game. People love it!

∞ Infinity Loop adalah game yang paling tren di tahun 2016. Ini dapat dianggap sebagai game puzzle tentang menciptakan pola looping yang rumit atau hanya aplikasi menggunakan konsep sederhana: "menghubungkan banyak hal" dan mengolok -oloknya.

So, this is a simple, relaxing and endless game.

Some people say this game is like the XXI century Tetris game but with a great zen mode. Bahkan sulit itu mungkin menyerupai Tetris, tujuannya adalah untuk menjernihkan pikiran Anda, menghilangkan stres dari kehidupan sehari -hari Anda tanpa tekanan atau ketegangan untuk menyelesaikan level.

Enjoy the loop!


How to Play Infinity Loop?

Connect all the lines and corners to make perfect connections. It is like killing the chaos and reaching perfection. Watch the video to overview how it works. Check on youtube as well where several people post the solutions. Nonetheless, we suggest you to try to find yourself how the game works and what are you supposed to do.

How to Play The Infinity Dark Mode?

The goal of the dark mode is to make disconnections, breaking it all and not leaving a single piece connected.

How many levels the game has?

Tak terbatas.

How can I save my game progress?

Make sure you connect the app with Google Play Games on the settings panel (the button is in the bottom of the gameplay). This way your progress won't be lost. If you face further issues reach us by e-mail.

Do I need to pay anything to play Infinity Loop?

No. The original game is 100% free. There is no need to pay anything for the original game. The game is free for unlimited levels. Only if you opt for the secondary game, called "black mode", you may need to pay a coffee for it.

I don't feel the game is challenging. Mengapa?

Tantangan bagi kami adalah membuat permainan dengan meningkatnya kesulitan setelah tingkat tertentu sementara pada saat yang sama bersantai dan memungkinkan tingkat infinity. So how could level 100.000 be more difficult than level 10.000? It is hard. So as we cannot have the best in all worlds, we have opted to make it relaxing for now. Just Relax and play.

Note: This game is also available on Android Wear and Android Watches. And it's very fun as well!

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 1.3

Last updated on May 1, 2016 Improvements

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