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  • LiteraTarotBot US free

    LiteraTarotBot US free

    8.8 2.5 2024-12-19
    strategi kartu

LiteraTarot US Edition

Optimized for Honeycomb tablets and small screen devices

The LiteraTarot decks are the brain-child of the Italian Museo dei Tarocchi. Pada tahun 2008 tema deck kolaboratif tahunan mereka adalah klasik literatur yang hebat, dan sebuah dek disatukan di masing -masing benua. The American deck was hosted by Arnell Ando.

Arnell Ando

Arnell's Art

Lucky Pack Tarot - Major Arcana Deck Set

Transformational Tarot (published by US Games)

IX The Hermit - The Razor's Edge

Teppei Ando

Art Site: Teppei Ando

Comic Book Site on myspace

IV The Emperor - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Leslie Cochran

Website: Dreamythology

Dreamythology Tarot - Major Arcana Deck Set

I The Magician - The Secret Garden

Joanna Powell Colbert

Website: Gaian Tarot

The Gaian Tarot Deck Set

XVII The Star - Lord of the Rings

Red Dog (aka Red Scott)


XVIII The Moon - Memoirs of a Geisha

Alexandra Genetti

Wheel of Change Tarot Deck and Book Set

Jumbledance Tarot - Major Arcana Deck

XV The Devil - Faust

John Glock


Eternal Dream Tarot - Major Arcana Deck

V The Hierophant - Lord of the Flies

Jean Hutter

Creator of Odyssey Tarot and other art projects

X The Wheel of Fortune - Around The World in 80 Days

Michele Jackson

Digital Dissonance

XIII Death - Sula

NoMonet (aka Steph King)

Website: Nomonet

NoMonet, the host of: Artist Inner Vision Tarot

VI The Lovers - Interview with the Vampire

Anissa Morello

Anissa's Major Arcana Set - 'Morello Medieval Tarot'

0 The Fool - The Canterbury Tales

Elizabeth Cherry Owen

Gallery Website

XX Judgment - Pilgrim

Chris Paradis

Artist of the Famed, Rock and Roll Tarot (OOP)

XVI The Tower - Don Quixote

Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Tarot of the Crone Deck Set

XII The Hanged One - The Descent of Inanna

Sue Silva

III The Empress - The Red Tent

Tamar Solomon

XIX The Sun - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Sally Anne Stephen

Major Arcana Deck: A Fool & Her Friends

XI Strength - The Color Purple

Teresa Taranto

XXI The World - Tales of the Arabian Nights

Julie Cuccia Watts

New Moon Trading Co. Hosts Julie's Tarot Decks and Art

VIII Justice - The Book of the Dead

Lunaea Weatherstone

Full Moon Dreams Tarot

XIV Temperance - Sense and Sensibility

Marie White

Mary-el Tarot

VII: The Chariot - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Diane Wilkes

Tarot Passages

Diane Wilkes & Arnell Ando - Storyteller Tarot: Major Arcana

The Jane Austen Tarot Deck Set

II: The High Priestess, The Mists of Avalon

TarotBot Android Tarot Reader

TarotBot is an open source framework for tarot readings on Android devices with switchable card decks and interpretations.

Antarmuka, yang menyajikan kembali Tarot, dirancang dengan tujuan utama hanya untuk menarik dari artefak fisik (dek kartu) atribut yang bermakna bagi pembacaan: citra, interpretasi, dan konteks. Pengocok tradisional, berurusan, dan pengaturan kartu dihapus dari proses yang memungkinkan pengalaman membaca yang jauh lebih ramping muncul. The experience may lack some traditional elements but conducting readings for one's self, especially on the go, is far from traditional.

While other tarot apps seek to replicate the experience of tarot cards TarotBot aims to evolve tarot into a new medium.

Ketika Tarot paling efektif adalah ketika seseorang menggunakan intuisi untuk menafsirkan kartu, namun interpretasi disediakan untuk membantu siapa pun yang tidak terbiasa dengan tarot. These are a synthesis of experience and research conducted during development.

Primary research sources include:

The Oracle of the Tarot by Paul Foster Case

Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis

Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning

Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot by Christopher Hyatt

The deck included with the free versions is a vintage 1909 deck with artwork by Pamela Coleman Smith

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 2.5

Last updated on Mar 24, 2016 added ability to save custom text with cards
added ability to use multiple custom decks

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