Summer Sports - Menjadi atlet top dalam segala macam disiplin ilmu!
Summer Sports – Become a Top Athlete
Prove your athletic skill and experience the extraordinary Summer Sports app. In this unique game, you'll take part in thrilling competitions and improve your finesse in various disciplines. Download this special sports game for your smartphone or tablet and get going now!
The Summer Games have begun!
Panahan, berenang, lompat jauh, lemparan lembing atau sprint 100m - Summer Sports menawarkan berbagai macam olahraga bersaing. Latih atlet Anda dan persiapkan mereka untuk acara olahraga besar.
Tap, Sprint, Swim!
Tapping your screen will allow you to let your athletes spring, jump or swim in the app. The idea is always the same – the faster you tap on your display, the faster your sports superstars will be! But stick to the rules – if your runners start early, they'll be disqualified; if your jumpers cross the start line, the attempt won't count; if you miss the target in archery, you won't get many points. Precision and speed are key in this gripping sports game! Some of Summer Sports amazing summer game features include:
• A large selection of sports, guaranteed to entertain just about anyone – from swimming and sprints to archery and javelin toss
• Intuitive game controls
• Clear and appealing game design
• Cross-disciplinary events that combine different sports for the final score
• Fantastic sports game graphics
Summer Sports – It's taking part that counts!
Discover the summer games experience and the great setting of this extraordinary sports game. Compete in contests of varying difficulty, break records with your athletes, earn points and work your way up the high scores. Summer Sports will draw you into the fascinating world of sports.
On your Marks, Get Set, Click!
Send your athletes to the cinder track. Download the sports game in the Google Play Store today and experience the virtual summer games fun of Summer Sports ! Ayo pergi!
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