Shoot the ragdoll across the city, survive against the drones and keep going.
LEDAKAN! Tembak melintasi kota. Bertahan melawan drone dan terus berjalan selama mungkin, dapatkan power-up/buff di sepanjang jalan saat Anda naik level dan bersaing di papan peringkat.
-Fast paced shooting action.
-Powers to unlock (Shield, Fireball).
-Power-ups as you destroy the drones.
-Tap on screen to shoot.
-8 bit Retro style graphics.
-Multiple weapons to unlock (Shotgun, Uzi).
-Fun ragdol physics.
By the way, I'm still actively working on this game so any feedback or ideas are most welcome!
Super Ragdoll Man is based around fast paced fun action, originally based off ideas like "Kitten Cannon" or "Kitty Cannon" where you hit bombs and spikes to try to get the best distance possible. Drones will follow you until your health hits zero, so you have to shoot back by tapping on the screen in the direction you want.
Super Ragdoll Man is set in an Apocalypse city scene, where you get shot from a boat out side of the city to get to the other side. Anda mengendalikan seorang pria ragdol yang hanya dipersenjatai dengan pistol (Anda dapat membeli senjata lain), tetapi juga memiliki kekuatan seperti penyihir seperti bola api, perisai, kekuatan meningkatkan bom - semua yang dapat dibuka melalui emas.
Saya berharap untuk menambahkan lebih banyak fitur dan mode ke permainan ini seperti zombie, kustomisasi karakter/ragdol, lebih banyak senjata (seperti minigun, peluncur roket, kait grapple), kustomisasi kapal, lebih banyak jenis musuh, pesawat dan burung yang dapat Anda tekan di langit, lebih banyak ke mana Anda dapat pergi ke tempat yang baik (peluncur jetpack, es flap power, ice/earth/earth/earth), ke mana Anda akan pergi ke langit, es. so watch out for future updates!
Super Ragdoll Man INSTRUCTIONS:
-Shoot yourself out of the cannon at the beginning by waiting until the power bar is as high as possible and pressing shoot at the right time.
-Try to get as far through the city as possible.
-As you are flying, use the boost button to gain more velocity but make sure you don't use all your mana at once!
-Dones akan mulai terbang setelah Anda dan memburu Anda, menembak laser - Anda dapat menembaknya kembali dengan senjata Anda dengan mengetuk arah yang ingin Anda tembak (atau pegang ke arah senjata otomatis).
-You will gain gold by hitting to crates, but try to avoid them if possible as they slow you down.
-Use your gold to buy powers in the power menu, once bought drag them to the power bar at the top.
-Use your gold also to buy weapons (Shotgun, Uzi, more to come..).
New in 1.15
-Minor bug fixes.
-Small modifications to physics.
-Updated libraries to new version.
More weapons and enemies coming in next update!
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