Collect all the treasure chests, avoid green men and do not fall into the water.
Android application “Klad” (“Treasures” (in russian.)), here is 4 games - all in one. This android application is a replication of classic 1987 games “Klad” and it sequels. Levels are taken from games 1987-1988, for BK-0010 by USSR programmer Baranovand from games, created by amateurs (game 4).
This is a classic arcade puzzle, like as another maze run games and one from them, which break brains of millions!
The goal is to pass all 80 labyrinths, collecting all the treasure chests and avoid encounters with the green men, do not fall into the water.
Kontrol Lilac Man dengan menggambar joystick, tombol atau menyeka di layar (secara default adalah joystick di sisi kiri) atau keyboard perangkat keras (juga keyboard USB eksternal didukung).
Some walls can destroy by shooting.
Some Treasure chests loaded with reserve life, other with key which unlock the locked door.
Sejarah: Game "Klad" ("Treasure Chest" (dalam bahasa Rusia.)) Adalah USSR meniru permainan Jepang "Bangkit dari Dungeons" tahun 1983 untuk komputer MSX (dikembangkan oleh Hibiki Godai dan didistribusikan oleh ASCII) pada tahun 1987-1990 untuk komputer Uni Soviet (BK-10010, Vektor-).
Perhatikan, kontrol dibuat terutama untuk perangkat portabel dan gerakan objek selalu melakukan langkah penuh pada setiap percobaan, juga, ketika gerakan mulai mengarah ke arah dan diberikan arah lain, manusia melanjutkan arah gerakannya dan mengubahnya jika mungkin, dengan kata lain, jika Anda bergerak ke kanan dan berbalik, ia berjalan hingga mencapai tangga dan naik.
- Try to complete all 80 levels.
- Avoid meetings with the green men.
- Find the treasure with the keys and life.
- destroy walls by shooting (which self restore) to go to or to deceive the green man.
- Use hidden mode to select any level, for activation, press and hold on one of the treasures on the main screen (look it up)!
- If game looks too complex, turn on cheats - slower speed, diging and shoot enemies.
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