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あなたがPhasmophobiaのゴーストハンターの並外れた人なら、ゲームにはスキルをテストする数十の成果とトロフィーが特徴を備えていることを知ってうれしいです。 Here is how to unlock all achievements in Phasmophobia .

How To Unlock All Achievements in Phasmophobia

トレーニングから最も困難な偉業まで、ゲームのさまざまな側面を完了することでプレイヤーがロックを解除できる、 Phasmophobiaには合計54の成果(PS5のプラチナを含む55のトロフィー)があります。 Earning them all gets you the Achievement Hunter ID Card and Badge for your character.

While many require certain strategies, the easiest universal method to unlock most of them is to play with friends.彼らはあなたがより速く機器をセットアップするのを助け、幽霊のアイデンティティに関するセカンド・オピニオンを提供し、成果に必要な特定の幽霊行動を促進するのに役立ちます。

So, without further ado, here is a list of all current achievements in the game and the best tips for how to unlock each of them.

No More Training Wheels Complete training
(Go to the '”raining” tab in the Main Menu and complete each step of the process until you reach the end.)
ルーキーComplete 10 Contracts
プロComplete 50 Contracts
ボスComplete 100 Contracts
Extra Mile Complete 50 optional objectives
ひたむきなComplete 30 daily tasks
Devoted Complete 10 weekly tasks
(Weekly tasks are listed on the Main Menu after booting up the game and refresh every 7 days on Sunday.
Challenger Approaching Complete a Weekly Challenge Mode
The challenge must be completed 3 times within the same week to count towards the achievement and receive the full $5,000 reward.)
Rise to the Challenge Complete the Weekly Challenge Mode 5 Times
The challenge must be completed 3 times within the same week to count towards the achievement and receive the full $5,000 reward.)
Taking All Challenges Complete the Weekly Challenge Mode 10 Times
The challenge must be completed 3 times within the same week to count towards the achievement and receive the full $5,000 reward.)
Chump Change Spend $1
Fat Stack Spend $10,000
Cash Cow Spend $50,000
Break The Bank Spend $100,000
Bare Essentials Unlock all tier one equipment
(As you level up by completing contracts and earning money, you can spend that money to unlock new types of equipment for your van loadout.
As soon as you reach Level 16 and purchase all optional tier one equipment this achievement will unlock.)
貿易のツールUnlock all tier two equipment
(As you level up by completing contracts and earning money, you can spend that money to unlock new types of equipment for your van loadout.
As soon as you reach Level 49 and upgrade all starter and optional equipment to tier two this achievement will unlock.)
Fully Loaded Unlock all tier three equipment
(As you level up by completing contracts and earning money, you can spend that money to unlock new types of equipment for your van loadout.
As soon as you reach Level 90 and upgrade all starter and optional equipment to tier three this achievement will unlock.)
監督Create a custom difficulty
Select the features you want for your custom difficulty and then click 'Apply' at the bottom. The achievement should unlock after.)
Bronze Hunter Obtain the Bronze Apocalypse Trophy
(Apocalypse Challengeを完了するには、Sunny Meadows Institutionのシングルプレイヤーでカスタム難易度を作成し、契約中に次のタスクを完了する必要があります。
*Complete all 3 optional objectives
*Obtain a ghost photo (1-3 stars)
*Correctly identify the ghost type
*Survive the investigation and leave
The default 'Insanity' difficulty can also be used to unlock the bronze trophy.)
Silver Hunter Obtain the Silver Apocalypse Trophy
(Apocalypse Challengeを完了するには、Sunny Meadows Institutionのシングルプレイヤーでカスタム難易度を作成し、契約中に次のタスクを完了する必要があります。
*Complete all 3 optional objectives
*Obtain a ghost photo (1-3 stars)
*Correctly identify the ghost type
*Survive the investigation and leave)
Gold Hunter Obtain the Gold Apocalypse Trophy
(Apocalypse Challengeを完了するには、Sunny Meadows Institutionのシングルプレイヤーでカスタム難易度を作成し、契約中に次のタスクを完了する必要があります。
*Complete all 3 optional objectives
*Obtain a ghost photo (1-3 stars)
*Correctly identify the ghost type
*Survive the investigation and leave
If you complete Gold Apocalypse first before Bronze or Silver, you will automatically receive the trophies and achievements for those as well.)
Banshee Discovered Successfully identify your first Banshee and survive
Demon Discovered Successfully identify your first Demon and survive
Deogen Discovered Successfully identify your first Deogen and survive
(Deogen evidence includes Spirit Box, Ghost Writing, and DOTs. They're also known for heavy breathing in the Parabolic Microphone.)
Goryo Discovered Successfully identify your first Goryo and survive
Hantu Discovered Successfully identify your first Hantu and survive
Jinn Discovered Successfully identify your first Jinn and survive
Mare Discovered Successfully identify your first Mare and survive
Moroi Discovered Successfully identify your first Moroi and survive
Myling Discovered Successfully identify your first Myling and survive
(Myling evidence includes EMF5, Ultraviolet, and Ghost Writing. They're also known for being difficult to detect by sound from further away.)
Obake Discovered Successfully identify your first Obake and survive
Oni Discovered Successfully identify your first Oni and survive
Onryo Discovered Successfully identify your first Onryo and survive
Phantom Discovered Successfully identify your first Phantom and survive
(Phantom evidence includes Spirit Box, Ultraviolet, and DOTs. They're also known for not being visible in photos taken by the player.)
Poltergeist Discovered Successfully identify your first Poltergeist and survive
Raiju Discovered Successfully identify your first Raiju and survive
Revenant Discovered Successfully identify your first Revenant and survive
Shade Discovered Successfully identify your first Shade and survive
Spirit Discovered Successfully identify your first Spirit and survive
(Spirit evidence includes EMF5, Spirit Box, and Ghost Writing. They're also known for having a longer cooldown when Incensed.)
Thaye Discovered Successfully identify your first Thaye and survive
The Mimic Discovered Successfully identify your first Mimic and survive
The Twins Discovered Successfully identify your first Twins and survive
Wraith Discovered Successfully identify your first Wraith and survive
(Wraith evidence includes EMF5, Spirit Box, and DOTs. They're also known for not interacting with any tier of salt placed by the player.)
Yokai Discovered Successfully identify your first Yokai and survive
Yurei Discovered Successfully identify your first Yurei and survive
Reach Prestige I
ii Reach Prestige II
iii Reach Prestige III
Work Experience (Hidden) Complete your first contract
Flawless Execution (Hidden) Complete a perfect investigation
(To get the 'Perfect Investigation' bonus you must do the following during a contract:
*Complete all three optional objectives
*Take nine 3-star photos
*Collect the bone from the map
*Guess the ghost's identity correctly)
They're Here (Hidden) Witness a Poltergeist ability
Escape Artist (Hidden) Escape a Revenant
The Bait (Hidden) Get killed by a Banshee in multiplayer
Doom Slayed (Hidden) Get killed by a Demon ability within the first minute
Paranormal Perfectionist
(PS5 Platinum Trophy)

That concludes how all Cursed Objects work in Phasmophobia . Make sure to search site for the latest guides and news on the game, including the Phasmophobia No Evidence Cheat Sheet.

Phasmophobiais available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.



