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Black Ops 6マルチプレイヤーとゾンビ用の最高のPPSH-41ロードアウト


With Season 2 of Black Ops 6 and Warzone , one of the most iconic Call of Duty weapons has returned. The PPSh-41 is a highly effective SMG in the game, with different upsides for each mode. Here are the best PPSh-41 loadouts for Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Zombies.

How To Unlock the PPSh-41 in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

In Call of Duty Season 2, the PPSh-41 is unlockable via the Battle Pass.古典的なサブマシンガンは、6ページの高いターゲットとして利用でき、14ページに超希少性の青写真を持っています。PPSHのロックをできるだけ早く解除したいプレイヤーは、バトルパストークンを自動化するように設定する必要があります。 Season 2 BlackCell owners also get the ability to instantly skip to one page of their choosing. This can be combined with the included tier skips to head right to Page 6 and get the PPSh-41 right away.

Best PPSh-41 Loadout in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer

Black Ops 6 Multiplayerでは、PPSHの大容量、高射撃率SMGとしての強みにより、近くで優れており、印象的なマルチキルを生成できます。 However, its strong recoil can keep you off target and make it harder to hit the Headshots necessary for the camo grind. Here are the best attachments for the PPSh-41 in Multiplayer:

  • Compensator – Improves Vertical Recoil Control.
  • Long Barrel – Improves Damage Range.
  • 垂直のforegrip - 水平方向の反動制御を改善します。
  • 拡張Mag II - 雑誌の弾薬容量を雑誌あたりの32ラウンドから55に大幅に改善します。視力速度、リロードの速さ、スプリントまでの速度を向上させるための罰則があります。
  • Balanced Stock – Improves Hipfire Movement Speed, Strafing Movement Speed, Sprint to Fire Speed, and Movement Speed.

With this build, the PPSh-41 becomes far more accurate than before. It also gains a higher magazine and increases in some mobility, making it a great weapon to flank enemies and take out groups by surprise. That being said, its fast fire rate does make it burn through ammo fast. To complement its aggressive nature, here are the best perks to use with the PPSh-41:

  • Perk 1: Flak Jacket – Reduces incoming explosive and fire damage
  • Perk 2: Assassin – Enemies on a kill streak get a unique minimap marker and drop Bounty Packs when killed. Pick up the Packs for more Score.
  • Perk 3: Double Time – Greatly increased duration of Tactical Sprint.
  • Perk Greed: Scavenger – Resupply ammo and Equipment from killed enemies.

The latter three Perks will award players with the Enforcer Combat Specialty. This bonus gives players a temporary buff to movement speed and health regen rate when killing enemies.

PPSh-41 Loadout Changes for Ranked Play

ランク付けされたPlayには、標準のBlack Ops 6マルチプレイヤーとはわずかに異なる添付ファイルと特典のセットがあり、プレイヤーはPPSHロードアウトを調整する必要があります。 Use the same build in listed above, but use the Recoil Springs to replace the Extended Magazine II, which is unavailable in Ranked Play. Here are the perks you should be using in Ranked Play:

  • Perk 1: Dexterity
  • Perk 2: Fast Hands
  • Perk 3: Double Time
  • Perk 4: Flak Jacket

Related:How To Upgrade the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Best PPSh-41 Loadout for Black Ops 6 Zombies

The PPSh-41 is perhaps most fondly remembered by Zombies fans.武器の非常に速い火率と高雑誌の容量は、1秒あたりの優れたダメージを与え、モバイルを維持しながら大群を殺すための信じられないほどの選択肢となります。 This is especially effective in close-quarters Zombies maps, like The Tomb, in Black Ops 6 . Here are the attachments you should run on your PPSh-41 in Black Ops 6 Zombies:

  • Suppressor – Chance to drop extra salvage.
  • Long Barrel – Improves Damage Range.
  • 垂直のforegrip - 水平方向の反動制御を改善します。
  • 拡張Mag II - 雑誌の弾薬容量を雑誌あたりの32ラウンドから55に大幅に改善します。視力速度、リロードの速さ、スプリントまでの速度を向上させるための罰則があります。
  • Quickdraw Stock – Vastly improves Aim Down Sight Speed.
  • Steady Aim Laser – Improves Hipfire Spread.
  • 反動スプリング - 水平方向の反動制御と垂直反動制御を改善します。

With the attachments above, the PPSh-41 is accurate and mobile, making it a great option for players looking to get critical kills. You've likely noticed we didn't include popular attachments like. the CHF Barrel and Rapid Fire. This is because these attachments have fairly weak values for the PPSh, especially relative to how much they increase recoil.

To make the most out of your PPSh-41 loadout in Black Ops 6 , you'll want to improve your reload time and critical kill capabilities.クラシックフォーミュラのメジャーアウゲーションを備えたスピードコーラを使用し、デッドヘッドメジャーアウゲーションを使用してデッドショットダイキリをさらに増やしてください。

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6isavailable now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC .



