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ORCA移行イベントに加えて、アトランティス後の更新におけるもう1つの顕著な注目すべき包含は、地図上に石油掘削装置/製油所と呼ばれる新しいランドマークを追加したことでした。 This new territory has also brought back the fan-favorite Dr. Glimmerfin NPC to the game. So, here is a detailed explanation of the location of the Oil Rig and all the hype surrounding it.

Where is the Oil Rig located in Fisch?

The newly added Oil Righ POI is located at the GPS coordinate (X:-1793, 130, -480) . This is located right somewhere between the Forsaken Shore POI and the Grand Reef. Travel to this destination to find a big Oil Ring on the ocean floor.

All Glimmerfin Quest in Oil Rig

After reaching the Oil Rig, you can climb to the first floor, where you will find multiple other NPCs along with Dr. Glimmerfin at the center. Glimmerfinはあまり明らかにしていませんが、その場所で他のNPCと対話することは、石油掘削装置がほとんど建設中であることを示しており、Glimmerfinはこの建物の上部にある種のフィンを必要とします。 These dialogues are connections to future quests or lore of the Fisch universe that are pretty much under wraps at the current moment.


Oil Rig Fishes and Bestiary

At the moment, you cannot catch any fish at Oil Rig POI, which means there is no bestiary to complete.しかし、コミュニティ全体と私は、グリムマーフィンの探求を解決した後、その場所に何らかの獣姦が利用できると予測しています。これは謎のままです。

For more on Fisch, Check out Roblox Fisch Private Server Links or All Fish Locations and Best Bait in Fisch Roblox



