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これが最高のブラッドボーンボスの注文です - ゲームのすべてのボス


Bloodborneはタフなボスでいっぱいのゲームであり、あなたがそれらをどのように命じるべきかを疑問に思うかもしれません。このガイドは、 Bloodborneの理想的なボスの注文を分解し、ゲームのさまざまな課題をどこでどのように引き受けるかを指摘します。


  • The Best Boss Order for Bloodborne
    • Best Boss Order for Non-Optional Bosses in Bloodborne
    • Best Boss Order for All Bosses in Bloodborne
  • Our Best Boss Order, Explained
    • Cleric Beast (Optional)
    • ガスコイン神父
    • Blood-Starved Beast (Optional)
    • Vicar Amelia
    • The Witch of Hemwick (Optional)
    • Shadow of Yharnam
    • Rom, the Vacuous Spider
    • Darkbeast Paarl (Optional)
    • The One Reborn
    • Martyr Logarius (Optional)
    • Amygdala (Optional)
    • Celestial Emissary (Optional)
    • The Nightmareのホスト、Micolash
  • The Old Hunters Bosses
    • Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Optional)
    • Mergo's Wet Nurse
    • Gehrman, the First Hunter
    • Moon Presence (Ending Specific)

The Best Boss Order for Bloodborne

このリストを実行する方法はいくつかあります。Bloodborneすべてのボスを倒してゲームを終了することは必須ではないためです。 As such, we highly recommend that you beat as many bosses as possible in your playthrough. As such, I'm going to give you the non-optional and complete orders before breaking the logic a bit more later in the article.

In total, there are 17 regular bosses and five DLC bosses via The Old Hunters . This guide does not include the Chalice Dungeon bosses. Theoretically, you can start the DLC at any point after beating Vicar Amelia. However, most players, myself included, do recommend waiting until closer to the end of the game to actually do it. Some people recommend playing the DLC before fighting Mergo's Wet Nurse, and others recommend after, but that can affect some dialogue.

Best Boss Order for Non-Optional Bosses in Bloodborne

Here's the order you'll want to do for the non-optional bosses in Bloodborne .

  • ガスコイン神父
  • Vicar Amelia
  • Shadow of Yharnam
  • Rom, the Vacuous Spider
  • The One Reborn
  • The Nightmareのホスト、Micolash
  • Mergo's Wet Nurse
  • Gehrman, the First Hunter
  • Moon Presence (Ending Specific)

Best Boss Order for All Bosses in Bloodborne

Here's the order you'll want to do all the bosses in Bloodborne .

  • Cleric Beast (Optional)
  • ガスコイン神父
  • Blood-Starved Beast (Optional)
  • Vicar Amelia
  • The Witch of Hemwick (Optional)
  • Shadow of Yharnam
  • Rom, the Vacuous Spider
  • Darkbeast Paarl (Optional)
  • The One Reborn
  • Martyr Logarius (Optional)
  • Amygdala (Optional)
  • Celestial Emissary (Optional)
  • The Nightmareのホスト、Micolash
  • Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade (DLC/Optional)
  • Laurence, the First Vicar (DLC/Optional)
  • Living Failures (DLC/Optional)
  • Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (DLC/Optional)
  • Orphan of Kos (DLC/Optional)
  • Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Optional)
  • Mergo's Wet Nurse
  • Gehrman, the First Hunter
  • Moon Presence (Ending Specific)

Our Best Boss Order, Explained

Cleric Beast (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Central Yharnam

The Cleric Beast is one of the first bosses you'll face in Bloodborne , and is located in the Central Yharnam area. This boss is fast, aggressive, and can deal a lot of damage if you're not careful. Try to stay behind it and attack its hind legs to trip it up. Once it's down, go for its head.


Image via FromSoftware

Area: Central Yharnam

Father Gascoigne is a crazed hunter. He's not too difficult once you get the hang of things, but he's definitely one of the first major challenges you'll face in the game. He moves quickly and uses his gun often. The best way to get through him is to really get the parry timing down, since it'll help you shred him quickly.

Blood-Starved Beast (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Old Yharnam

The Blood-Starved Beast is located in Old Yharnam's Church of the Good Chalice. This fight can be tough, as the beast hits hard and has a lot of health. However, if you keep your distance and use fire/explosive weapons, you should be able to take it down relatively easily.

Vicar Amelia

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Cathedral Ward

A massive animal-like creature, Vicar Amelia has a melee attack style and a self-healing power. When using the latter, she is rendered immobile, giving you the perfect chance to strike. Watch out for her glowing body when self-healing before you move in for the kill.

The Witch of Hemwick (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Hemwick Charnel Lane

When you stumble upon the Witch of Hemwick, you should be prepared to fight her henchmen as well. She will be invisible at a distance, but you can see her when you go nearer. Her favorite spots are in the corners of the room, so plan your strategy around that. When you finally see her, be sure to use your firearm.

Shadow of Yharnam

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Forbidden Woods

Shadow of Yharnam is a hunched-over creature wielding a large club. This boss is easy to beat if you have a good strategy. First, wait for the boss to swing its weapon and then dodge out of the way. When it does this, it will leave itself open for an attack. Second, use your gun to shoot at the beast's head. Be sure to dodge its attacks when it tries to headbutt you. Third, use your knife to slash at the beast's legs. This will cause it to stumble and fall, giving you an opportunity to attack its weak spot — its underbelly.

Rom, the Vacuous Spider

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Moonside Lake

This boss is located in the Moonside Lake at Byrgenwerth. To defeat Rom, you need to be careful of his poisonous attacks and his powerful physical attacks. He will also summon spiders to help him in battle. When he summons these spiders, try to kill them as quickly as possible and hit Rom for as much as you can before he moves.


Darkbeast Paarl (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Hypogean Gaol

The Darkbeast Paarl lives in Yahar'gul, the Unseen Village, specifically in The Graveyard of the Darkbeast. It's a large, hulking brute of a creature that's part of the reason the village is so named. In constructing the best boss fight order for Bloodborne , it's recommended you take this beast on after defeating Rom, the Vacuous Spider.

The One Reborn

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Yahar'gul Unseen Village

The One Reborn is also found at the Yahar'gul Unseen Village. He sends physical and magical attacks your way, so be sure to keep your distance and roll out of the way when you see him raise his arms.彼が地面に落ちているとき、それはあなたの走り出して、いくつかのクイックヒットを得るチャンスです。彼はまた、戦いの間に小さな敵を召喚するので、生まれ変わった自分に集中する前に最初にそれらを取ります。

Martyr Logarius (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Forsaken Castle Cainhurst

Martyr Logarius is one of the tougher bosses in Bloodborne , and there's a real chance you might struggle with him. He's able to deal Arcane damage, and he's not at all conservative about absolutely wrecking you. A good strategy is to try and parry Logarius, as that's going to let you do a lot of damage to him. The timing will take a bit to get down, though.

Amygdala (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Nightmare Frontier

Amygdala is a giant mass of writhing tentacles with a single eye. This behemoth is one of the most difficult bosses in the game, due to her large size and long reach. She also has a number of different attacks that can quickly deplete your health. This is certainly one of the more harrowing encounters in your quest to fight every boss in Bloodborne in the best order.

Celestial Emissary (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Upper Cathedral Ward

The Celestial Emissary moves really fast and swing their arms to damage you. Try rolling towards their legs to avoid their attacks and then retaliate.彼らが地面にいるときでさえ、天の使者は、彼らの長い腕であなたをつかみ、損害を与える攻撃のためにあなたを引き寄せることができるので、まだ非常に危険です。 Be sure to stay on your toes when fighting these creatures.

The Nightmareのホスト、Micolash

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Nightmare of Mensis

Micolash is a non-optional boss in Bloodborne that can sometimes be difficult if you don't really get his shtick. You'll have to chase Micolash around his arena and deal with him both hiding in magical fog and summoning underlings. After a run or two, you'll get the order of operations down pretty easily. Once you finally corner Micolash, watch out for his attacks, which can be super potent, and proceed to beat him up. Alternatively, a common strategy for taking him down is just to spam poison knives

The Old Hunters Bosses

私はこの時点までBloodborneのさまざまなボスを壊しましたが、あなたが彼らに直面している順序はかなり直線的であるので、古いハンターのボスとそれをする必要はありません。 After beating Ludwig, take Laurence's Skull back to where you got the Eye Pendant to fight Laurence, who is the only optional boss in the area. From there, take on Living Failures, Lady Maria, and the Orphan of Kos. All of them are tough , so get ready to rumble.

Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Optional)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Altar of Despair

Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos has tentacles that cause damage, and she also uses magical attacks. You want to watch out whenever she launches her head on the ground since it can deal huge damage.

Mergo's Wet Nurse

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Nightmare of Mensis

The battle against Mergo's Wet Nurse can be pretty tough, but it's actually easier than some of the fights before her, at least in my opinion. She'll attempt to attack you with tentacles and also has a fast-moving water projectile. Eventually, she'll use fog to obscure your vision. When that happens, just focus on avoiding damage.

As a note, after you beat Mergo, you'll want to do whatever else you need to in Bloodborne , as you're very near to the end of the game. If you haven't done the DLC bosses that we mentioned earlier, do them now.

Gehrman, the First Hunter

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Hunter's Dream

Gehrman is the last non-optional boss in Bloodborne , as once you beat him, it's possible to roll credits on the game. He uses a long scythe, as well as different firearms. He can be difficult, but if you're good enough at parrying, you shouldn't have too much trouble against him once you get the timings down.

Moon Presence (Ending Specific)

Image via FromSoftware

Area: Hunter's Dream

The true final boss of Bloodborne , you've got to get three of the four One Third of Umbilical Cords and use them before fighting gehrman.メルゴのウェットナースから、Arianna Questlineから放棄されたワークシップを探索したり、ROMを破った後に待つとIosefkaから1つをつかむことができます。 From there, refuse Gehrman's offer and defeat him.

The Moon Presence uses her tails and claws to attack. She's also able to use orbs of darkness.少なくとも私の見積もりでは、彼女は実際にはGehrmanほど難しくありません。だから、あなたが慎重であり、ゲーム全体で学んだことを使用している限り、それほど問題はないはずです。

And that's the best Bloodborne boss order!

For more news on Bloodborne, check out our Bloodborne PSX, a brutal fan-made PS1 demake. For cool FromSoftware stuff in general, check out Armored Core VI.

Related: How to Access the Hunter's Nightmare for Bloodborne DLC on Attack of the Fanboy

更新:この記事は、2/3/2025にEscapist Editorialによって更新され、さまざまなボスに関する詳細情報を含め、ボスの注文の高レベルの要約を提供し、Old Hunters DLCのボスを含めるようにしました。



