
Fisch에서 인페르노를 숨기는 방법


마리아나의 베일의 모든 수준을 탐색 할 준비가 된 사람들을 위해서는 열심히 일하고 반짝이는 잠수함을 업그레이드하기 위해 많은 아이템을 모아야합니다. If you're struggling with the Inferno Hide in Fisch, here's our guide how to get it.

Where to Find the Inferno Hide in Fisch

The Inferno Hide Fisch is part of the Volcanic Vents Bestiary. Volcanic Vents is the first area of Mariana's Veil. In order to get down into the area, you first have to make yourself a Submarine . Once you have it completed, make your way down.

잠수함에서 하선하고 NPC로 향하여 리스폰 위치를 만들 수 있도록 NPC로 향하십시오 (용암에서 수영을 할 줄 알았 기 때문에 즉시 해냈습니다). Keep going deep into the caves until you reach the Volcano Rod (-3175, -2030, 4020) and this is the area where you can fish.

The Inferno Hide is a Common fish , so to get it, put on the Garbage bait and get to fishing. 당신이 그것을 얻 자마자, 행운을 줄이기 때문에 Bestiary를 완료하려면 쓰레기 미끼를 벗으십시오 (이것은 더 높은 희귀 성 물고기를 얻을 수 없다는 것을 의미합니다). Also try to use one of the worse Rods , you want your luck to be down in the dumps essentially.

How to Use Inferno Hide in Fisch

The Inferno Hide is one of four items needed to get the Heat upgrade for the Submarine. You need these items if you plan on getting to Challenger's Deep , the next level of Mariana's Veil. Once you have everything collected and caught, head over to the first area where you've set your stay.

Go to the crafting table in the middle and make your very first Submarine upgrade, and you'll also get a Glimmerfin Suit Lvl 1 as a reward. Once you have that, go into your sub and make your way down to the next level.

Mariana의 베일 지역을 완전히 연구하고 모든 물고기를 얻으려면 Pro Game Guides에서 바로 궁극적 인 Fisch Mariana의 베일 이벤트 가이드를 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.

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