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Should You Choose Arlo or Candela Path in Pokemon GO? (Timed Research February 2025)


The latest decision for Pokemon GO players to make, whether to choose the path of Valor’s Candela or Team Rocket’s Arlo in Beloved Buddies, is a tough one, following the trend of other recent event-exclusive Timed Research asking the same.

The Holiday Part 1 event started with you needing to pick the path of Spark and Sierra. Later, the Steeled Resolve made you choose between the paths of Cliff and Blanche. Now, in February, Arlo and Candela look to complete the trilogy, but one path in the game is definitely better than the other in this limited-time research.

Should You Choose Arlo or Candela Path in Pokemon GO?

Image Source: Niantic via site

Based on the rewards you can get with each path, you should choose Arlo over Candela during the Beloved Buddies event in Pokemon GO.

Candela still has decent rewards depending on what empty spots you may have in your Pokedex, but Arlo’s range is the best overall.

Along with the rarer Scizor, a useful Rocket Radar, and more powerful Shadow Pokemon on offer, Arlo’s Beloved Buddies path includes less troublesome and time-intensive tasks like Candela’s requirements to trade, earn hearts & explore with a buddy, and needing to send gifts.

The full list of tasks and rewards you can get are listed below.

Stage 1 out of 3 in Beloved Buddies will be the same no matter which path you plan on taking, but will then diverge from Stage 2.

Related: Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies Event: How To Get Dhelmise, Dates & Times, Raids, and More

‘Investigate Arlo’ Path Tasks & Rewards in Pokemon GO

Step 2 out of 3

Image Source: Niantic via site
Catch 15 Pokemon Stardust ×500
Transfer 5 PokemonCubone encounter
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket GruntsRocket Radar

For completing this trio of tasks, you’ll also be rewarded for 2000 XP and a Shadow Diglett encounter.

Step 3 out of 3

Catch 25 PokemonUltra Ball ×10
Transfer 15 PokemonStardust ×500
Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader ArloSlowpoke encounter

Finishing this last selection of tasks for Arlo will reward you with 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust, and a Scizor encounter. You can then grab an extra 2500 Stardust as a bonus for completing all of the Timed Research in general.

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‘Team Up With Candela’ Tasks & Rewards in Pokemon Go

Step 2 out of 3

Earn 10 hearts with your buddyStardust ×500
Earn a Candy exploring with your buddyLuvdisc encounter
Make a new friendPoffin ×2

If you choose Candela instead of Arlo, once you complete this first set of three tasks, you will then be rewarded with a Dunsparce encounter along with 2000 Pokemon GO XP.


Step 3 out of 3

Play with your buddy 5 timesUltra Ball ×10
Send 3 Gifts to friendsStardust ×500
Trade a PokémonShellder encounter

Like, with Arlo, completing this final set of tasks for Candela will also see you get 3000 XP and 2000 Stardust as rewards, but also a Rapidash encounter instead of Scizor.

After you claim those rewards, you can also get a bonus set of 2500 Stardust for finishing Beloved Buddies altogether.

Now that you know that it’s best to choose the Arlo path or Candela’s in Pokemon GO’s Beloved Buddies event, find out the best counters to beat Incarnate Enamorous in 5-Star Raids.

For what else is going in in February, take a look at the full Pokemon GO event schedule detailing what else is going on in the game this month.

Pokemon GOis available to play now.

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