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Best Diamondback Decks in Marvel Snap


Another villain only the most diehard Marvel fans may have heard of joins Marvel Snap. Diamondback, however, like a lot of female villains, flirts with becoming a heroine. Here are the best Diamondback decks in Marvel Snap.

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  • How Diamondback Works in Marvel Snap
  • Best Diamondback Decks in Marvel Snap
  • Is Diamondback Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

How Diamondback Works in Marvel Snap

Diamondback is a 3-cost, 3-power card with an ability that reads: “Ongoing: Enemy cards here afflicted with negative Power have an additional -2 Power.”

This leads to quite a lot of synergy as Marvel Snap has introduced a lot of negative afflicting cards – most notably US. Agent and Man Thing. But there’s also Scorpion, Hazmat, Cassandra Nova, Scream, Bullseye, and more. You’ll want to at least hit two cards with her Ongoing effect to make her a 7-power card. 

Do note that Luke Cage will completely negate her power output, rendering her useless, and Enchantress and Rogue can completely take the sting out of this snake-themed villain pretty quickly.

Best Diamondback Decks in Marvel Snap

Diamondback may seem like a narrow card, but she truthfully fits into several competitive decks- Scream Move, Toxic Ajax, High Evolutionary, and Bullseye Discard, to name a few. I personally think she will see the most play in Toxic Ajax and High Evolutionary; however, those lists are quite similar. Let’s look at two varied decks to play her in: Scream Move and Toxic Ajax.

  • Kingpin
  • Scream
  • Kraven
  • Sam Wilson Captain America
  • Spider-Man
  • Diamondback
  • Rocket Raccoon and Groot
  • Polaris
  • Doom 2099
  • Aero
  • Doctor Doom
  • Magneto

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

The Series 5 cards in this list are Scream, Sam Wilson Captain America, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and Doom 2099. Scream and Rocket Raccoon and Groot are absolutely necessary to make this deck work; however, if you didn’t pick up Sam Wilson, consider swapping him for another affliction card like Scorpion.

The goal here is to push your opponent’s cards around the board while afflicting them with Kingpin and Scream. Diamondback can slot into the same lane as Kingpin to effectively win that lane; you’ll be taking -4 off cards pulled or pushed over there, while Scream will be gaining power elsewhere.

The second half of this deck is a Doom 2099 package, as you won’t be dropping a lot of cards on the final turns of the game. Aero into Doctor Doom or Magneto with an added Doombot plus any affliction caused by pushing cards around adds up fairly quickly.

Related:Best Ares Decks in Marvel Snap

Let’s take a look at the more likely home for Diamondback, Toxic Ajax:

  • Silver Sable
  • Hazmat
  • US Agent
  • Luke Cage
  • Rogue
  • Diamondback
  • Red Guardian
  • Rocket Raccoon and Groot
  • Malekith
  • Anti-Venom
  • Man-Thing
  • Ajax

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

Series 5 cars in this list are plentiful and include Silver Sable, US Agent, Red Guardian, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, Malekith, Anti-Venom, and Ajax. You can swap Silver Sable out for something like Nebula; however, the rest are all pretty mandatory to run this deck most efficiently. It’s one of the most expensive in the game but incredibly powerful.

The goal here is to get your Ajax to the highest power level possible with all your affliction cards; sometimes, you don’t want to play Luke Cage in order to power up Ajax more. Malekith has the chance to pull cards like Hazmat and Diamondback for spikes in power; furthermore, Anti-Venom can lead to a surprise splash of power on the final turns of the game.

Rogue makes this list as there’s an incredibly high chance you’ll see a lot of Luke Cage during Diamondback’s release week. This deck is completely obliterated by him, so having Rogue as a counter goes a long way toward making sure this deck continues to work.

Is Diamondback Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

If you have most of the affliction-style cards to make an Ajax list or enjoy Scream quite a lot, Diamondback is a great addition to your collection. If you tend to stay away from such affliction decks or don’t have necessary cards like Scream and Rocket Raccoon and Groot, she’s a good card to skip because she’ll only ever be truly useful in types of decks that are prohibitively expensive.

And those are the best Diamondback decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snapis available to playnow.

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