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Best Gorgon, Laufey & Uncle Ben Decks in Marvel Snap


With so many new cards coming to Marvel Snap, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Fortunately, site is here to make sense of it all. Here are the best Gorgon, Laufey, and Uncle Ben decks in Marvel Snap.

Jump To:

  • How Gorgon Works in Marvel Snap
  • How Laufey Works in Marvel Snap
  • How Uncle Ben Works in Marvel Snap
  • Best Gorgon, Laufey, and Uncle Ben Decks in Marvel Snap
  • Should You Grind Sanctum Showdown in Marvel Rivals for Gorgon, Laufey & Uncle Ben?

How Gorgon Works in Marvel Snap

Gorgon is a 2-cost, 3-power card with an ability that reads: “Ongoing: Your opponent’s cards that didn’t start in their deck cost 1 more. (maximum 6)”

This is clearly a direct counter to Arishem decks; however, it also affects decks like Discard that fill their hands with Swarms, Iron Patriot rolls, and Devil Dinosaur lists – though the latter isn’t all that popular.

It can be negated with Mobius M. Mobius or an anti-Ongoing card like Rogue or Enchantress.

How Laufey Works in Marvel Snap

Laufey is a 4-cost, 5-power card with an ability that reads: “On Reveal: Steal 1 Power from each other card here.”

This is a decently powerful effect with four total cards in an opposite location, making Laufey effectively a 13-power card if that’s the case. It’s a bit like Spider-Woman but a little better, as Laufey can be discounted with Zabu, making it easier to synergize with cards like Diamondback and Ajax.

How Uncle Ben Works in Marvel Snap

Uncle Ben is a 1-cost, 2-power card with an ability that reads: “When this card is destroyed, replace it with Spider-Man.”

Spider-Man, as I’m sure you’re aware, is a 2-cost, 4-power card with an ability that reads: “On Reveal: Move to another location and pull an enemy card from here to there.”

Uncle Ben has synergy with Destroy enablers like Carnage, Venom, and Lady Deathstrike, and plays a lot like an alternative to Bucky Barnes.

Related: Best Redwing Decks in Marvel Snap

Best Gorgon, Laufey, and Uncle Ben Decks in Marvel Snap

So as these are “free” cards, they’re not exactly powerful must-haves – with the exception of maybe Laufey if you’re into affliction-style Ajax decks. 

Let’s take a look at Gorgon first, as you could slot him into just about any deck:

  • Ant-Man
  • Ravonna Renslayer
  • Gorgon
  • Sam Wilson Captain America
  • Mystique
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Luke Cage
  • Captain America
  • Moonstone
  • Anti-Venom (Or Iron Lad)
  • Iron Man
  • Spectrum

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

The Series 5 cards in this list are Moonstone and Anti-Venom. Thankfully, you can replace the latter with Iron Lad if you have him.

I’ve personally run this deck a ton, and while you would much rather play Ravonna Renslayer or Sam Wilson on turn 2, Gorgon isn’t a bad alternative on turn 5 drop alongside a 3 drop either. Sure, against many decks, he won’t do much, but game modes like Conquest have a lot of Arishem lists and he gets buffed up by Spectrum and Moonstone can make your opponent’s generated cards cost even more.

The main win condition is either stacking Ongoing effects with Moonstone or getting Iron Man and Mystique discounted for a final turn splash.

For Laufey, the deck he fits into is relatively straightforward – it’s Toxic Ajax. Let’s take a look:

  • Zabu
  • Hazmat
  • Scorpion
  • US Agent
  • Luke Cage
  • Diamondback
  • Red Guardian
  • Laufey
  • Malekith
  • Anti-Venom
  • Man-Thing
  • Ajax

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

This list has far too many Series 5 cards: US Agent, Diamondback, Red Guardian, Malekith, Anti-Venom, and Ajax. They’re all unfortunately necessary, with the exception of Red Guardian – you could sub him for Rocket Racoon and Groot (which is also Series 5, unfortunately).

If you do have all the necessary cards, this deck is going to be a massive problem once Luke Cage’s popularity dies down. The goal is to win one lane with Ajax while dominating another with cards like US Agent and Diamondback. Anti-Venom is a great inclusion in any deck with Luke Cage as it basically gives you a free card; likewise, Malekith almost always draws a great card from you outside of Zabu.

Last, we have Uncle Ben. He’s the worst card of the bunch and the most difficult to slot into a deck. I tried anyway: 

  • The Hood
  • Uncle Ben
  • Yondu
  • Cable
  • Iron Patriot
  • Killmonger
  • Baron Zemo
  • Gladiator
  • Shang-Chi
  • Misery
  • Lady Deathstrike
  • Death

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

The Series 5 cards in this list are Iron Patriot, Baron Zemo, and Misery. The latter two are necessary, though you could swap out Iron Patriot for something like Red Guardian.

The goal with this list is to wreck your opponent’s deck while discounting your own Death, retriggering the card effects of The Hood and Yondu with Misery, and countering them with Killmonger, Shang-Chi, and Lady Deathstrike. Killmonger and Deathstrike also destroy Uncle Ben, spawning a Spider-Man on the board that can mess up your opponent further.

Should You Grind Sanctum Showdown in Marvel Rivals for Gorgon, Laufey & Uncle Ben?

As rolling for one of these three cards costs 1200 Charms in the new game mode, it’ll cost you 3600 charms – quite a lot – to get all three. The only one really worth your time is Laufey if you like affliction decks. As such, I think it’s better to roll 2250 Charms for unowned Series 4 and 5 cards depending on what your collection looks like, as you won’t get to pull that many cards.

And those are the best Gorgon, Laufey, and Uncle Ben decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snapis available to playnow.

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