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BitLife Racing Expansion Pack — Release Date, Pricing, and more


After months of silence, Candywriter has finally announced their next DLC for BitLife, which is called the Racing Expansion Pack. As the name suggests, the entire pack will revolve around becoming a race driver, owning a race team, and participating in races. So, here is a detailed article about the expansion pack, along with the release date and pricing information.

What is the release date for the BitLife Racing Expansion Pack?

In typical Candywriter fashion, they have not yet announced any release date for the Racing Expansion Pack. However, if you study past release patterns of other Expansion Packs that came earlier, like the Stock Market, Secret Agent, or the Casino, they came out within 2 to 3 weeks from the date of announcement. With that formula, you can expect the BitLife Racing Expansion Pack to hit the stores anywhere from the end of March to Early April of 2025. These are just assumptions, and we need to wait for an official confirmation from BitLife for the exact dates.

How much will the Racing Expansion Pack cost in BitLife?

The Racing Expansion Pack will cost around $5 at the time of release unless Candywriter decides to bump up the price. This is the standard price that Candywriter charges for its current Expansion Pack. Also, this is not a Job Pack DLC, which means you will not get the item for free if you have the Job Pack pass.

What is the Racing Expansion Pack in BitLife?

The Racing Expansion Pack is an upcoming DLC in BitLife that revolves around racing. Though the exact details are not available, the discussion around X and Reddit forums indicate that the DLC would be similar to the Secret Agent Expansion Pack, where you will run a Racing Team, select drivers for it, and pick strategies while handling all the financial aspects to float the team. In the end, these are just based on discussions between fans, and we have to wait till the release to know the actual content.

For more on BitLife, Check out BitLife Dealer Supply Run Scenarios and Answers or BitLife Model Audition Guide (Answer Chart)

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