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Every Avowed Attribute Ranked Worst to Best


When creating and leveling up your character in Avowed, Attributes are the most important traits to consider. Each of the 6 Avowed Attributes provide boosts to certain stats, each with their own benefits to certain play styles. Here’s every Avowed Attribute ranked from worst to best.

Every Attribute in Avowed

As mentioned above, there are 6 main Attributes in avowed. Here’s what each one does.

  • Might: Improves characters physical and spiritual strength. Increases damage from all sources and improves Carry Capacity. Characters with high enough Might may also access the occasional exclusive dialogue option, which can threaten enemies in dialogue or cause some to back down from a fight.
  • Constitution: Improves overall health and endurance. Increases Maximum Health as well as resistance to Poisoned and Bleeding statuses. Can also unlock dialogue options.
  • Dexterity: Increases Attack Speed for weapons and abilities. Increases Action Speed for equips, consumable use, and parkour. Increases Reload Speed. All-around improves mobility.
  • Perception: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Maximum Range for ranged weapons like wands, guns, and bows. Can also unlock additional dialogue options, though these don’t typically affect gameplay much.
  • Intellect: Increases Maximum Essence and resistance to Ignited, Shocked, and Frozen statuses. Helps wizards and helps focus on spellcasting. Can unlock additional dialogue options.
  • Resolve: Improves Maximum Stamina and efficiency of Second Wind. Pairs best with heavy weapons and tank builds. Can unlock additional dialogue options with similar outcomes to Constitution.

Best Avowed Attributes, Ranked

With all that said, most Attributes will help with specific builds. However, some are just generally useful for all playstyles. Here are our picks for ranking every Avowed Attribute to help you create your character and spend your Attribute Points as you level up in the Living Lands.

6. Perception

In Avowed, perception is an incredibly niche Attribute. It improves Critical Hit Chance and Maximum Range. While having improved range with wands, guns, and bows sounds great on paper, how often that actually takes into effect is varied. Ranged weapons in Avowed can be fairly situational, as many of the fights you’ll encounter are in close-quarters camps or dungeons. That being said, there are some enemy types which Perception is highly effective when fighting against. As a result, it’s worth considering putting a few Attribute points into Perception, and potentially even re-speccing your character to focus on it for some fights.

5. Resolve

Having a bonus to Maximum Stamina sounds great, and in gameplay it definitely is. Having increased Stamina can make sure you always have the strength to swing a weapon or block an attack. That being said, there are plenty of Unique armor items in Avowed which can provide great boosts to Maximum Stamina, which can make Resolve fairly redundant.

Second Wind is another ability which sounds great on paper, but can often be outclassed in practice. Second Wind allows a character to fight off death when taking what would be lethal damage. Improving Second Wind with the Resolve Attribute improves how often Second Wind can take affect, as well as improving how much health you’ll gain with Second Wind. That being said, it’s far better to improve overall health and movement to avoid damage in the first place, or tank it more effectively.

4. Intellect

Intellect improves Maximum Essence and Elemental Resistance. Elemental Resistance is a massive blessing in combat, since you won’t be harmed quite as much by enemies with elemental damage, which can drain health fast.

Even if your Avowed character isn’t built around using Magic, improving your Maximum Essence is a huge help. While this Attribute is designed to help those using Wands and Grimoires, there are still so many abilities which utilize Essence. From Fighter Abilities to Godlike Abilities and Wizard Abilities, you’ll find yourself benefiting greatly from having additional Essence at your disposal.

3. Dexterity

In Avowed, Dexterity is a helpful but unspecific Attribute that all builds should invest at least some of their Attribute Points in. Dexterity improves attack and action speed, which improves mobility, item use, and the speed of weapons and abilities. Dexterity can make you more agile and improve overall DPS with melee weapons. As a result, Dexterity is a great middle-of-the-road Attribute, worth investing Points in for every play style.

2. Constitution

Constitution improves Maximum Health, as well as Poison and Bleed Resistance. Having improved Health is a huge plus in combat, as is having Poison and Bleed Resistance. In Avowed, Poison and Bleed damage are perhaps the two most often fatal, so having improved Resistance to them on top of overall Health will keep you alive longer in many fights.

1. Might

Might is certainly the most useful Attribute in Avowed, and one every build should invest in heavily. First, there’s the clear bonus of increased damage with all weapons. Stacking Attribute Points into this category can vastly improve your character’s DPS, melting through weaker enemies with ease and giving you a better chance against bosses.

Might’s secondary ability is also an absolute necessity in Avowed. On top of improved damage, this Attribute also allows you to improve your Carry Capacity. This increases how many weapons and armor you can carry before becoming encumbered, ensuring you don’t have to leave loot behind to stay mobile. It also means you can hold more gear, potentially returning to town with all sorts of weapons and armor to sell to merchants for Skeyt.

And that is our ranking for every Attribute in Avowed.

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