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How to get the Puppet Ability in Ability Wars


The recent Ability Wars update introduced the Puppet ability that can be unlocked by completing the "It All Comes Down" badge. For this, you need to combine the Mystical Orb, Ball of Web, and Doll Body before throwing them into the void in the Astral Dimension; here's how.

How to get the Puppet ability and It All Comes Down badge in Ability Wars

As mentioned previously, you'll have to obtain the Mystical Orb and Ball of Web first and then carry these items to the Astral Dimension, the door to which can only be unlocked using a key.

How to get the Mystical Orb

Firstly, purchase the Devourer of Souls ability from the lobby showcase for 14,000 punches. Using this glove, you gain strength after every kill. Equip Devourer of Souls, enter the Arena portal, and eliminate 15 players.

Once this objective is complete, go to the Mystic Altar at the edge of the map (see the image above). Finally, interact with the altar and sacrifice the souls you've collected (15 in this case) to obtain the Mystical Orb.

How to get the Ball of Web

The next step is to obtain the Ball of Web from the Shop, which I've shown in the first picture above. Enter the building and you'll spot a ladder on your left, right by the door you just came from. Climb up into the attic and you'll see a large spider web behind the tables. Squeeze through the gap and collect the Ball of Web to complete the second step in obtaining the Puppet ability.

How to enter the Astral Dimension

Thereafter, go to the Astral Dimension portal that can be found inside The Pool (first image above). Walk through the waterfall, drop down the opening, and you'll reach a locked door. To open this door, you must find the Key that can be hidden anywhere around the map, for instance, behind the Mushroom, inside the Shop, and by the trees. Search carefully, obtain the brown key, and use it to access the portal shown in the second image.

Once inside the Astral Dimension, go to the blue tree on your left and you'll find the Doll Body in the corner next to it. Pick it up and click the Doll Body to fuse it with the Ball of Web and Mystical Orb you'd collected before. Jump up to reach the edge of the map and drop the assembled doll into the void. A puppet animation will render ensuring you've unlocked the It All Comes Down badge and the Puppet ability. You can obtain the Puppet glove from the lobby for 25,000 punches. Using this ability, victim players are transformed into puppets and your punch damage is boosted.

For more on Roblox, check out How to find the Snake Hideout 2 and Bone Spawn location in Ninja Time on Pro Game Guides.

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