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How To Get Wild-Caught Sashimi in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii


Wild-Caught Sashimi is a rather elusive item to uninformed Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii players, as the game doesn’t make it abundantly clear how to get the fishy treat. Here is exactly where and how you can get Wild-Caught Sashimi in Pirate Yakuza.

Where To Find Wild-Caught Sashimi in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

In Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, you can only get Wild-Caught Sashimi while swimming in the waters of Alola Beach in Honolulu — either by fishing or buying it from the floating merchant, Grayson’s Weapons at Sea.

Buying from Grayson

It’s easiest for you to buy Wild-Caught Sashimi from Grayson in Pirate Yakuza since he’ll have it in his inventory for you to buy right away at just $1.60 per unit.

To find Grayson in Pirate Yakuza, you just need to swim over to the east side of Alola Beach’s ocean, as marked in the map image above. He won’t appear on your map unless you’ve already swam in that general area, which is why he won’t have appeared before.

You can only hold up to 10 Wild-Caught Sashimi at a time, but you can keep coming back and buying as many as you need.

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What Pirate Yakuza doesn’t make obvious until you try it is that you can go swimming in Alola Beach’s ocean and collect any fish that you swim by when you press the “Catch” prompt, including Wild-Caught Sashimi.

Swimming and catching fish in this way doesn’t cost any in-game currency or health, so you can continuously catch fish for free until you’ve had your fill. However, we confirmed that Wild-Caught Sashimi is incredibly rare in the game — you only catch it once out of approximately 50 attempts.

To save yourself a load of time with trial and error, it’s best to get the special sashimi by purchasing it from Grayson instead. If you’re short on cash, just swim back onto shore for a couple of brawls with some thugs, and you’ll have the dollars you need within less than a minute.

For more on the game, find out the best crew formations in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii‘s Coliseum. And if you’re feeling under-leveled, check out how to get money for ship upgrades fast to make the Goromaru a force to be reckoned with.

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaiiis available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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