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How to Skip Cutscenes in Monster Hunter Wilds


Want to know how to skip cutscenes in Monster Hunter Wilds? While the story in this entry into the long-running series actually has a proper story with fairly well-written and interesting characters, some people just long for the hunt. If that sounds like you, then you’re going to want to know how to get through all of the words and head straight for the violence.

Skipping Cutscenes in Monster Hunter Wilds

If you feel like those cutscenes are getting a little too long in the tooth, then you can skip them easily by holding Y on a keyboard, or the back button on a controller. You have to hold it for about a second or so, and if you’re playing on an unusual control option then you can push a couple of buttons during a cutscene and then check the top-right to find out what input you need to use.

It’s worth noting you can actually pause cutscenes while they’re playing too, so if you’re just trying to make sure you don’t miss anything, you can do that instead. While a lot of Monster Hunter cutscenes previously have felt somewhat superfluous, most of the ones you’ll watch in Wilds are story-related, so we’d only recommend skipping them if you’re doing another playthrough.

Of course, on the other side of things, you can also rewatch cutscenes by going into your menu. This means that, if you really want to, you can go back and check out the cutscenes after they’ve played and enjoy them then, instead of when they play automatically during your story progress. The story may feel a little bit weird like this, but some of the monster introductions in this game are incredibly cool, so maybe you’re looking to grab a screenshot or two of your new favorite as it enters the fray.

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