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Should You Kill Jakesh in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? (Bad Blood Quest Guide)


There are quite a few side quests to take on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and they’re often worth doing if you’re looking to get to know the characters on a deeper level. Here’s how to start and complete Bad Blood in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Table of contents

  • How to Start Bad Blood in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
    • Gather Information
    • Search the Scene
    • Confront Ota
    • Kill Jakesh or Make Peace
  • Should You Kill Jakesh?

How to Start Bad Blood in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Once you’re free to explore the open-world in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you’ll first need to progress through the quest that tasks you with finding Mutt. One of the objectives takes you to a clearing near Bozhena’s hut, and Henry will remark that it may be worth checking to see if Bozhena has seen anything.

Head over to her hut and ask her about Mutt, and she’ll then tell you that her daughter Pavlena has gone missing. Agree to help her, and this will add Bad Blood to your quest journal.

Gather Information

Your first step is to head to Troskowitz and speak with Baliff Thrush, then talk to Innkeeper Betty at the tavern. You’ll get more information about Bozhena and Pavlena, and also learn why they were driven out of the village and why they’re so disliked.

Your next step is to head to the objective area to speak with the woodcutters. Look for Woodcutter Dushko and speak with him, and you’ll be directed to Roman’s house. Do note that you’ll need to lockpick the door on Roman’s house, so I recommend saving your game before attempting it.

Search Roman’s house and examine Pavlena’s basket, then speak with Dushko again to ask for more information. You’ll then be directed to a clearing near Roman’s house, which is one of the couple’s favorite spots.

Search the Scene

From Roman’s house, head towards the objective marker and go down the hill towards the stream, then turn left at the two big boulders to find the spot. You’ll find a trail of blood you can follow, and you’ll eventually come across Roman’s dead body. Keep heading up and speak with Hogherd Hugo, then go back to the farm in Troskowitz and speak with Hired Hand Straw.

You’ll need to pass a dialogue check with Straw in order to get the information you need, and you’ll learn about Jakesh, as well as what really happened with Roman and Pavlena.

At this point, you can also speak with Thrush to determine what to do with Straw. After you’re done, head to the rocks just south of Zhelejov to continue your investigation.

Confront Ota

In the objective area, walk around the large boulder until you find a path you can walk through. Climb up the ladder and you’ll find Ota and Pavlena.

While you will need high enough Charisma to pass these dialogue checks, choosing the following conversation options will convince Ota to let Pavlena go:

  • “What’s your name?”
  • “Let her go and I’ll let you go.”
  • “I’ll put in a good word for you with His Lordship.”

Once Ota lets Pavlena go, she’ll pick up the sword and kill him anyway. Speak with Pavlena and go back to Bozhena together. Once there, Bozhena will ask you to kill Jakesh.

Kill Jakesh or Make Peace

For the final step of this quest, you can choose to either kill Jakesh or try to convince him and Bozhena to make peace. Head back to the farm and find Jakesh at his child’s grave. You can kill him here or talk to him, and it’s also possible to end the quest by killing Bozhena instead.

Regardless of what you choose, the quest will end. In my playthrough, I killed Jakesh and reported back to Bozhena for a reward.

Should You Kill Jakesh?

If you kill Jakesh, your reputation in Troskowitz will go down. However, your reputation will get a significant increase with Bozhena and Pavlena. You’ll also unlock a new dialogue option with Pavlena, and you’ll be rewarded with a necklace that was a gift she got from Roman.

If you spare Jakesh and convince them to make peace, Jakesh will give you 100 groschen. When reporting back to Bozhena, you can keep the money for yourself or tell her about it, and she’ll split the reward with you. Bozhena and Pavlena will also be allowed back into the settlement.

And that’s how to complete the Bad Blood quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game, including how to find the Hermit’s sword and Ventza’s treasure.

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