Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather – Digital clock widget showing current weather!
♥ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ♥ is the latest widget for your screen. É importante que todos possam entender as condições climáticas em outros países, para que você possa usar a escala Celsius ao viajar. Download “ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ” as soon as possible and change Fahrenheit to Celsius. This is a small minimalistic widget showing current weather conditions!
10 digital clocks that show the weather forecast, 5 unlocked and 5 locked.
Every day new clock is available.
Put wonderful clock and weather widget on your home screen.
Top widgets of different sizes and shapes.
Easy to use for adults and children.
Add widgets to beautify your screen.
It's easy to switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Free widget for Android™ phones is waiting for you. This is the best widget that shows you accurate weather and time. With top widgets your phone will look better than ever. ♥ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ♥ is very useful and also a great decoration for home screen.
Se você deseja confiar em um relógio para lhe dar a hora certa e o clima preciso, faça o download ♥ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ♥, que é completamente gratuito. Change Fahrenheit to Celsius at any time with just one click. “Digital clock widget” will make your screen look pretty awesome. But this is not just a clock it's a clock that shows the weather forecast. You will love the “weather widget” and clock widget on your home screen!
Se você estiver procurando por um widget de tela simples e atraente relacionado ao tempo, poderá escolher ♥ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ♥. Você pode alternar a escala de temperatura para qualquer local de Fahrenheit para Celsius e voltar novamente. To switch your temperature scale, click the button that reads F/C. After you click the F/C, all weather data will be displayed in the temperature scale you chose.
This awesome “clock widget” is designed for everyone's taste. With simple and unique design it will fit to any phone screen. It shows you the actual time and accurate weather. You can change the clock's background color by choosing among ten different colors and textures. You can now have perfect digital clock that shows the weather conditions! You just have to choose the location and you will know the local weather in a second. You will see the weather temperature in Celsius or in Fahrenheit.
To toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius, select the C or F near the temperature. The widget will display snowflake if it's snowing, raindrops if it's raining, clouds if it's cloudy or sun if it's sunny. You will know weather for today without watching the weather channel. Get additional data which tells you what the weather actually feels like outside, like humidity, pressure and wind speed. Now you will know whether to bring umbrella or sunglasses.
This application is designed to help you customize your phone with beautiful and exquisite clocks of different sizes and shapes. It provides multiple high-quality skins that bring a fresh and elegant look to your screen. Download ♥ Fahrenheit To Celsius Weather ♥ and decorate your Samsung Galaxy phone.
*Android ™ é uma marca registrada do Google Inc.
*This widget is not affiliated with or endorsed by Samsung.
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