Enjoy longer battery life in a single click.Optimize today.
Download " Fast battery optimizer " today and start saving your android battery. This app will save and boost your battery professionally and economically. Playing your favourite game and battery discharging very fast. Este é o momento de abrir sua ferramenta gratuita " Fast battery optimizer ", verifique o tempo restante da bateria e veja a lista de porcentagem de bateria descarregando pelos diferentes aplicativos. Kill battery hogging applications on a single click. Increase as well as save your android battery.
The " Fast battery optimizer " is easy to use
- Shows the exact battery status
- Gives the perfect battery discharging time
- Saves your android's battery by effective power management
- Boosts battery performance by killing battery hogging applications on your command
- Provides information on the percentage battery being used by different application
- Displays battery details: battery temperature, battery voltage, battery health
- One-tap management to control screen brightness, Bluetooth, GPRs and others.
- It guarantees your satisfaction by saving 50% more battery.
This app is guaranteed to work for your satisfaction. Download today and stop the hassle of charging your smartphone again, carrying a charger everytime.
If you benefit from our app. please share it with your friends.
for suggestions, comments and queries: contact at [email protected]
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