Communicate without words… communication app solely based on real-time touch!
Communicate without words… Let's Touch is a communication app solely based on real-time touch!
Às vezes, você não quer se envolver em uma conversa completa, mas simplesmente deixe que a outra pessoa saiba que você está lá, juntos, em tempo real (e se você não conseguir alcançar a outra pessoa, simplesmente deixe um toque único como 'Mail')
In short, you can:
- touch eachother in real-time through your fingerprint on the screen
- share song snippets (and save them as favorites or listen to them in full using Spotify or Deezer)
- share pictures (floating around on the screen...)
- type and share (in a fun way) words in any language or character set
- draw in real-time
- play music in real-time
- use normal or special emojis to share
- leave a touchmail (saved message) for someone or a group of people with all of the above
- play a game of tennis in real-time with each other
How about saying "I love you" with no words… but just a TOUCH? Or share crazy selfies with a friend? Or play a game, whilst being really in touch with the other person? Or send a daily touchmail to your friends with a new song every day?
How about communicating using songs? Use nossos TouchBeats exclusivos - alimentados pelo Spotify e Deezer (você escolhe sua fonte favorita ..!): Você pode selecionar facilmente trechos de músicas durante um toque ou correio ao (opcionalmente) escolhendo um tema (por exemplo, aniversário, festa, etc.), um período (agora, 60 anos, etc.) e um gênero musical (por exemplo, Metal, Metal, Rock, Rock, etc.). Surprise yourself and the other when you hear the short, 15 second song snippet. Like what you're hearing? Add the song to your favorites and use it more often, or listen to the full version later. Let's Rock...!
Conecte-se a um amigo, seu parceiro ou qualquer outra pessoa usando Let's Touch e sinta como o seu smartphone vibra quando seus dedos se tocam em tempo real. Or leave a touchmail so the other person can pick it up later.
What about being able to touch somebody else, with a hidden identity? Você pode iniciar um toque secreto ou deixar um toque secreto, para pessoas que escolher (mas é claro que somente se elas permitirem toques secretos) ... imagine a emoção para descobrir ... 'Quem é?'
Play music and use symbols such as hearts, emoticons, animated icons and others to express how you feel…
Communicate by taking pictures (don't worry, they will be gone forever after a few seconds)!
Use letters if you feel you have to, of course.
Draw in real-time to express what you want to say...
And you can play a little game, just for fun, in real-time with the person you are touching...
Let's Touch is a unique way of communicating. You know the person is there, in real-time, touching the screen you are touching or playing the music you hear. Sometimes you just want to let the other one know you think about him or her, without the need to talk, type or use video.
Check us out on facebook as well (where you can also leave feedback):
Let's Touch requires a internet connection through 3G, 4G or wifi
Also made some minor changes and improvements to the Deezer and Spotify touchbeats. Aproveitar!
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