MirrorColor : gradiente de cores de fundo, efeito de reflexão, coloque a foto na colagem.
MirrorColor - Photo Mirror app can make a new lovely style mirror effect with color you never see before. It 's beautiful effect, different, unique app and really simple to use.
MirrorColor será uma foto de cópia automática para fazer plano de fundo com gradiente de cores, depois que esta foto será clonada novamente e executará o efeito de reflexão, adicione a borda branca. Finally you have awesome collage photo with MirrorColor style.
Principais recursos:
MirrorColor effects style: Background color gradient, reflection effect, put photo on collage.
Change color background random with some color gradient.
Photo mirror on collage can move, zoom, rotate.
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Credit icon photo flickr.com/photos/xubangwen/
Our mirror effect app: Mirror Grid Art.
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