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Fallout 76 Minerva Localização e cronograma (fevereiro de 2025)


There's nothing like finding a good sale, and that goes double for one in a video game, where resources can be hard to come by. Well, Fallout 76 has a merchant who always has discounts; she's just hard to find. Here's Minerva's Fallout 76 location and schedule in February 2025.

Where To Find Minerva in February 2025 in Fallout 76

Minerva roams around Fallout 76 's impressive map, making her hard to track. However, she's not someone to ignore, as she offers all of her products at a 25% discount. That's a big deal, especially because players can only collect a finite amount of Gold Bullions each day. So, here's where to find Minerva in Fallout 76 in February 2025:

Location Name Datas How To Find
The Crater Feb 3-5 Head west after using The Crater's fast-travel point.
Fort Atlas Feb 10-12 Head toward the gate of Fort Atlas after using the fast-travel point.
The Whitespring Resort Feb 20-24 Head to the main entrance of The Whitespring Resort after using the fast-travel point.

Eagle-eyed readers will notice that Minerva doesn't make an appearance for the majority of February. That's because she only sells her goods three days out of the week unless she has a special sale going on. After all, she offers such great deals that it would be unfair to the other merchants if she were around all the time.

Related: How to Find Vault 63 in Fallout 76: An Unlikely Invitation Guide

What Does Minerva Sell in Fallout 76?

Like her locations, Minerva's stock also rotates. There are 24 different options, with some of them being “super sales,” where Minerva sells all of the items from the three previous sales. And there just so happens to be one super sale during February, which occurs during her stint at The Whitespring Resort. With that out of the way, here are the plans she will be offering in February 2025:

Sale #6 (February 3-5)

  • Plan: Lighter Build Secret Service Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Plasma Caster
  • Plan: Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: T-65 Calibrated Shocks
  • Plan: T-65 Rusty Knuckles
  • Plan: T-65 Jet Pack
  • Plan: The Gutter
  • Plan: Ultra-Light Build Secret Service Armor Limbs
  • Plan: War Glaive Flaming Blade
  • Plan: War Glaive Shock Blade
  • Plan: Water Well
  • Plan: Whistle in the Dark

Sale #7 (February 10-12)

  • Plan: Ammo Converter
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Chest Piece
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Helmet
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Left Arm
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Left Leg
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Right Arm
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Right Leg
  • Plan: Floater Flamer Grenade
  • Plan: Gauss Shotgun
  • Plan: Gauss Shotgun Extended Barrel
  • Plan: Gauss Shotgun Extended Magazine
  • Plan: Gauss Shotgun Hardened Receiver
  • Plan: Kids Truck Bed
  • Plan: Umbrella Hat

Sale #8 (February 20-24)

Sale #8 will be a super sale that offers all of the plans from Sales 5-7.

E esses são os locais e o cronograma de Minerva em Fallout 76 em fevereiro de 2025. Se você está procurando mais, aqui está se o jogo da Bethesda ainda vale a pena jogar.

Fallout 76 is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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