Социал стал местным. Currents позволяют вам увидеть все, что вас волнует на местном уровне.
Currents lets you share your thoughts and opinions on local happenings with other people in your area.
Don't worry about getting friends or followers, you only have to follow the "Current" of the local topics you care about to be in the know. Все Currents за которыми вы следуете, будь то ваш город, школа или интересы, появляются в одном канале, так что все, что вам нужно, на местном уровне, находится в одном месте.
You can vote on every post, which moves the post up the feed, so you can always see the best posts in your area. Make awesome posts that people around you love to gain Currents y and be the top poster in your area!
How do you join Currents ?
Create a Currents username (ie @JohnSmith) along with your email and password to get started.
How does Currents work?
We make it easy to join Currents by eliminating the hard work of finding out who to follow in your area. Instead by following the Currents that you are interested in you can have a local feed that is relevant to you.
How is the Currents community different?
On Currents we want to make it so everyone has an equal voice. Благодаря нашей системе голосования люди не расставляют приоритеты в сообществе только потому, что они были там некоторое время, а скорее по качеству своего контента.
What is Currents y?
Currents y is Currents reward system for contributing good content. As you make good posts on Currents you will receive up votes which increase your Currents y score. Get recognition in your community for having the highest Currents y score.
How do I post to Currents ?
When making a Currents post you have to make the post to one of the local Currents that is relevant to the post. For example a local event that you want to share with the community would be posted in the Events Current.
Once I follow some Currents what happens now?
After deciding on which Currents to follow, all the posts made to the ones that you follow will show up in your main feed called My Currents .
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