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  • MEKA DATING  - Chat & Meet

    MEKA DATING - Chat & Meet

    8.9 1.0.3 2024-12-11
    Comunicación y redes sociales.

MEKA DATING – the best and funniest free dating app.

You want to find new friend nearby where you live, or find friends all over the world. Meka Dating app can help you to do that.

Приложение для знакомств Meka позволяет вам быть показ, заводить друзей, общаться, легко встречаться с людьми поблизости и по всему миру с помощью нескольких простых шагов с вашим смартфоном.

Основные функции:

- Make new friends nearby or anywhere over the world.

- CHAT with funny texts or photos.

- MEET, hang out with new friends.

- DATING with someone you want to DATE

- Get lively, detailed and particularly friend's information.


You can chat with new friend you found nearby or over the world by 1 simple step: Swipe Right, and type the message


Если вы общаетесь и хотите встретить кого -то в реальной жизни, скажите им, что вы хотите, и давайте встретимся в кофейне, библиотеке, ... везде вы, и он/она хотите.


And... If you want to date with someone you wanna date. Давай сделаем это.

How to use Meka Dating app to chat, meet and date?

- Just one click with your Facebook account, you are able to login. There are 2 options for you: find friends nearby or random in over the world with age, gender filter…

- Make impression on friends by updating information and photos at the profile screen.

- Customize message, vibration mode, alert tones or change your presence status to “Do not disturb” when you are busy.

Come on, let find new friends in over the world and chatting anywhere with Meka.

Что нового в последней версии 1.0.3

Last updated on Dec 23, 2016 Translate.
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