Second part of great course for club players with 400 lessons and 2200 exercises
The fundamental chess program for club players. Эта вторая часть включает в себя более 2600 упражнений (более 400 примеров для изучения и 2200 для решения), классифицированные по 60 тактическим методам и мотивам.
This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. В сериал включены курсы по тактике, стратегии, открытиям, средней игре и эндшпилям, разделены на уровни от начинающих до опытных игроков и даже профессиональных игроков.
С помощью этого курса вы можете улучшить свои знания в шахматах, изучить новые тактические уловки и комбинации, а также объединить приобретенные знания на практике.
The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helps to solve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints, explanations and show you even striking refutation of the mistakes you might make.
Программа также содержит теоретический раздел, который объясняет методы игры на определенном этапе игры, основанные на реальных примерах. Теория представлена интерактивным способом, что означает, что вы можете не только читать текст уроков, но и делать шаги на доске и выработать неясные шаги на доске.
Advantages of the program:
♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness
♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher
♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks
♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems
♔ The program gives hint if an error is made
♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown
♔ You can play out any position of the tasks against the computer
♔ Interactive theoretical lessons
♔ Structured table of contents
♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of the player during the learning process
♔ Test mode with flexible settings
♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises
♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet
♔ The application does not require an internet connection
♔ You can link the app to a free Chess King account and solve one course from several devices on Android, iOS and Web at the same time
The course includes a free part, in which you can test the program. Lessons offered in the free version are fully functional. They allow you to test the application in real world conditions before releasing the following topics:
1. Forcing moves
1.1. Forced checkmate
1.2. Double attack
1.3. Linear attack
1.4. Discovered attack
1.5. Приколоть
1.6. Elimination of defense
1.7. Conjunction of several themes
2. Deflection
2.1. Deflection checkmate
2.2. Deflection of a piece
2.3. Diversion from the invasion square
2.4. Piece on a critical square
2.5. Diversion in conjunction with a double attack
2.6 Diversion from defending square
2.7. Diversion from the promotion square
2.8. Diversion from the advance square
2.9. Diversion of a pinning piece
2.10. Deflection blocking piece
2.11. Diversion from a key square
2.12. Diverting a defending piece
2.13. Diversion in conjunction with a linear attack
3. Decoying
3.1. Decoying mate
3.2. Decoying a king in conjunction with a chase
3.3. Decoying into a mating net
3.4. Decoying under a double attack
3.5. Decoying under a linear attack
3.6. Decoying under a discovered attack
3.7 Decoying under a discovered attack with check
3.8. Decoying discovered check
3.9. Decoying under a double check
3.10. Decoying to a critical square
3.11. Decoying under pin
3.12. Decoying into a trap
3.13. Decoy in conjunction with promoting pawn
3.14. Decoying under check
3.15. Decoying for the gain of tempo
3.16. Decoying onto an unfavourable line
3.17. Decoying into a stalemate position
4. Exercises with conjunction of several themes
5. Elimination of defense
6. Blockade
7. Clearing the checkmating square
8. Interference
9. Clearing the line
10. Opening the line
11. Pin
12. Restricting
13. Threat
14. Conquering a square
15. Exercises. Сonjunction of tactical devices
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