Заставите своих конкурентов банкротство, покупая недвижимость и получая монополии
Последние новости: статистика, списки лидеров и достижения!
Сверните кости, перемещайте пешку, покупайте недвижимость, заключите сделки, приобретайте монополии, строите дома и заставили своих противников к банкротству. Все это и многое другое включено в Europoly , реальной настольной игре, которую вам понравится.
Игра Europoly может играть 2, 3 или 4 игроками. У каждого есть пешка для пересечения Европы. If a pawn lands on an unowned property, she can buy it or auction it. But if that property is already owned by another player, she has to pay the rent. The overall goal of the game is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy.
The board is designed to perfectly fit your phone or your tablet. The squares include European cities and airports, motorway, ferry, casino cards, lottery cards and a jail. The player with the floor throws two dice and moves clockwise around the board. Игрок, который приземляется или проезжает начальную площадь, собирает 5000 €. Если игрок катится удваиваться, она может катиться в свою очередь. После трех последовательных наборов удвоения она должна попасть в тюрьму.
Cities are arranged in groups with the same color. The player who owns all the cities of a group has a monopoly and will be allowed to build houses, increasing the rent that is received. Transport squares cannot be developed, but the given rent increases if a player owns more than one of either type.
If a player needs money, she can trade with other players, sell her houses or mortgage her properties. Players cannot collect rent on mortgaged properties, but they can be unmortgaged by paying the stipulated amount to the bank. If a player cannot pay her debts (even selling her houses and mortgaging her properties), she must declare bankruptcy. The winner of the game is the remaining player left after all the others have gone bankrupt.
You can play Europoly with other bots or with humans in the same device. We have carefully crafted the Artificial Intelligence of the bots, offering 3 different and engaging levels. In the highest level, they play aggressively and are tough traders. In the intermediate level they are more relaxed and will offer better deals. In the basic level, the bots are soft and you can trick them to get good deals for your interests.
Europoly is highly configurable, allowing the following options:
* 2-4 player games
* Play with bots or humans in the same device
* 15 different avatars
* 3 levels of Artificial Intelligence
* Select the initial money
* Choose the colors of the avatars
* Adjust the game speed
* Activate sound in-game
* Увеличить позиции в «еврометра»
* Указывают позиции в серии побед и лучшие лидеры баланса игрового баланса
* Получите 30 доступных достижений
* Проверьте свою статистику
Contact us at [email protected] and give as your feedback and request help in case of problems.
Большое спасибо за вашу поддержку!
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