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最佳的Cypher 091 Black Ops 6多人游戏和僵尸


The Cypher 091 is a unique new Assault Rifle in Call of Duty . This bullpup weapon boasts good damage and range, with a slow fire rate and controllable recoil. Here are the best loadouts for it the Cypher 091 in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Zombies.

How To Unlock the Cypher 091 in Black Ops 6

In Call of Duty Season 2, the Cypher 091 is unlockable via the Battle Pass.这款新的突击步枪可作为第8页的高价值目标可用,并在第11页上具有传奇的稀有蓝图。想要尽早解锁Cypher 091的玩家应确保将其战斗通行证标记设置为自动:OFF:OFF,因此他们可以将它们花在需要的东西上,以便为了解锁新的AR。 Season 2 BlackCell owners also get the ability to instantly skip to one page of their choosing. This can be combined with the included tier skips to head right to Page 8 or 11 and get the Cypher 091 right away.

Best Cypher 091 Loadout in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer

In Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, the Cypher 091 fits in the meta as an Assault Rifle that excels at medium range. The weapon has high damage and good accuracy but a low fire rate, which makes it struggle at close range. This recommended loadout seeks to further improve accuracy, extend range, and improve the weapon's close-range capabilities. Here are the best attachments for the Cypher 091 in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer:

  • Compensator – Improves Vertical Recoil Control.
  • 增强桶 - 改善损伤范围和子弹速度。
  • Vertical Foregrip – Vastly improves Horizontal Recoil Control.
  • 突击队抓地力 - 提高目标速度的目标速度和冲刺以发射速度。
  • 快速射击 - 以增加垂直和水平后坐力增加的成本提高火率,并略有减少子弹速度和伤害范围。

Since the Cypher 091 does best as a mid-range Assault Rifle, this weapon is best used to lock down lanes and hold objectives. The Cypher 091 is best supported with solid intel on enemy locations, making Scorestreaks like the Scout Pulse, UAV, and HARP excellent choices. Our Perk recommendations are focused on helping you earn these streaks faster and stay guns-up under pressure from enemy attackers. Here are the best Perks to use with the Cypher 091:

  • Perk 1: Flak Jacket – Reduces incoming explosive and fire damage.
  • Perk 2: Dispatcher – Reduced score cost for non-lethal Scorestreaks.
  • Perk 3: Guardian – Faster healing while capturing and holding objectives. Revive downed teammates faster.
  • Perk Greed: Tac Mask – Resistance to enemy flash and concussion grenades and enemy Neuro Gas.

Running three of the four Perks listed above while granting players access to the Strategist Combat Specialty. This will earn score bonuses for objectives and destroying enemy Equipment, allowing you to earn Scorestreaks faster. It also allows you to see Equipment through walls, as well as deploy your own Equipment and Field Upgrades faster.

Best Cypher 091 Loadout for Black Ops 6 Ranked Play

Due to the different attachments and perks available in Black Ops 6 Ranked Play, you'll need to make some changes to your Cypher 091 loadout. First, replace the Rapid Fire attachment with the Recoil Springs to improve accuracy by increasing Horizontal and Vertical Recoil Control. Then, equip the following Perks:

  • Perk 1: Tac Mask
  • Perk 2: Fast Hands – Swap weapons faster and extend fuses when throwing back grenades.
  • Perk 3: Double Time – Greatly increased duration of Tactical Sprint
  • Perk Greed: Flak Jacket

Related:How To Upgrade the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Best Cypher 091 Loadout for Black Ops 6 Zombies

Cypher 091具有很高的伤害和准确性,这是改善对僵尸,特殊敌人,精英和老板的损害的理想选择,并以爆头和重大的杀戮。 Here are the best Cypher 091 attachments to use in Black Ops 6 Zombies:

  • Suppressor – Chance to drop extra salvage.
  • CHF Barrel – Improves Headshot Multiplier at the cost of some Vertical Recoil Control and Horizontal Recoil Control.
  • Vertical Foregrip – Vastly Improves Horizontal Recoil Control.
  • Extended Mag II – Improves Magazine Ammo Capacity, at the cost of some Aim Down Sight Speed, Reload Quickness, and Sprint to Fire Speed.
  • 突击队抓地力 - 提高目标速度的目标速度和冲刺以发射速度。
  • Light Stock – Improves Hipfire Movement Speed, Movement Speed, and Strafing Movement Speed.
  • Tactical Laser – Adds Tactical Stance Toggle.
  • 后坐力弹簧 - 改善水平后坐力控制和垂直后坐力控制。

为了充分利用Black Ops 6中的Cypher 091加载,请使用Deadshot Daiquiri Perk在僵尸中使用Dead Head Major Exment,以进一步增加关键损害。

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6isavailable now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC .



