Warning: The following contains spoilers for Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii .
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is largely disconnected from the previous entry in the series, Infinite Wealth .但是,游戏结束时的一个场景似乎为上一场比赛的主要对手之一布莱斯·费尔柴尔德(Bryce Fairchild)的知识提供了一个奇怪的答案。
One of the hints to the treasure's location comes from an elderly man who belongs to the Pelekana religious group.这些人以临时敌人的身份返回,因为他们是在伊奇邦(Ichiban)和他的船员最终击败他之前的无限财富小人布莱斯(Bryce)的指挥下。 Now, with only stragglers left, the elderly man plays a small but pivotal role in discovering the treasure before he passes away.
尽管没有任何对话,但这个老人在玩家完成了主要故事后,通过过场动画中的倒叙再次出现。 While the Esperanza Treasure was discovered, there was no elixir of life there, as previously believed. However, Masaru and Jason do research and find out that the elixir is actually a rare form of ambergris that can extend a person's natural life.
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It is then that we see a picture of the old man with Bryce Fairchild, and everything begins to make much more sense.在无限的财富视频游戏中,有人说布莱斯已经90多年了,这是奇怪的,考虑到他的外表以及他对游戏中其他角色的力量和影响力。直到海盗雅库扎(Yakuza )突然使用其最后的过场动画来进一步扩大像龙游戏一样的知识,并为布莱斯(Bryce)的年轻外表提供了解释,这是没有意义的。
过场动画随后显示了老人的另一个闪回,倾倒了他在去世之前留下的琥珀色,似乎不想延长周围其他人的生活。通过解决这个谜团,该游戏结束了其主要故事,同时还为玩家提供了另一个有趣的Yakuza知识,其中一个更古怪的恶棍之一。许多角色,包括海盗Yakuza, Goro Majima的主要明星,经常看起来(和战斗)比实际年轻,而Goro在这场最新游戏的通风口中处于60多岁。
And that's how Pirate Yakuza finally explains a bizarre piece of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth lore.
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaiiis available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.