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The 57th Frame to be added to Warframe, Jade brings an interesting aerial style of gameplay.她所有的天使般和神圣,都漂浮在战场上,在敌人身上遭到毁灭,同时确保盟友安全并猛烈地击退。 In this article, we're going to break down our best builds for Jade in Warframe .


  • How to Unlock Jade
  • How to Play Jade, Explained
  • A Good Beginner Jade Build
  • Best Jade Steel Path Build
    • All Jade Abilities

How to Unlock Jade

Released on June 18, 2024, unlocking Jade means getting her blueprint. Her main blueprint is available via the Jade Shadows quest, which is launched via the Codex. From there, you'll need to get her components from Acension on Brutus, Uranus. Alternatively, you can buy Jade's blueprint and Component Blueprints via Ordis in the Larunda Relay on Mercury in exchange for Vestigial Motes. We've detailed the whole thing here.

As for the resources required to get Jade, you can consult the handy table below:

机壳15000 Credits
600 Alloy Plate
4000 Nano Spores
1500 Plastids
6 Morphics
Neuroptics 15000 Credits
1000 Circuits
750 Bundle
3 Neural Sensors
4 Neurodes
系统15000 Credits
600 Ferrite
600 Plastids
1100 Rubedo
10 Control Module

How to Play Jade, Explained

The playstyle for Jade is nice and simple. Select which song you wish to use on your second ability, and fire up your third ability to slow enemies and reduce defenses. Mark them up with your first ability, and then nuke them from above with the alt-fire of your fourth ability. You'll need to be mindful of your overall energy use and ensure you don't take too much incoming damage.您会在下面找到两种构建,以帮助减轻这两个问题,一个用于早期游戏玩家,另一个应该是钢道享受者实验的绝佳基础。

A Good Beginner Jade Build

Before jumping into our favorite late game build, we're going to go into our choice for the best beginner Jade build in Waframe . For this build, we are not going to have any Helminth ability swapping or Archon shards. This build should be doable for newer players, and give you a lot to work with. Remember, Jade can equip two Aura mods, so don't let that confuse you.

我认为,前四个连续性,加强,流动和伸展运动是基本的mod,您几乎可以在任何战机上使用,并且任何构建作为新玩家。 This build also doesn't include any Arcanes, although Arcane Energize would keep you well topped up with even more energy

Aura Mod – Corrosive Projection Reduces enemy armor by 18% at full rank.
Aura Mod – Pistol Amp Increase exalted weapon damage as it is considered a pistol.
Exilus Slot Aviator for damage reduction while airborne.
连续性A +30% increase to ability duration but it will also decrease energy drain from activity abilities.
强化Increase overall ability strength.
流动Gives you a larger energy pool to drawn from.
拉紧Increases the range of your abilities.
重定向Gives you a much bigger shield pool.
平衡Gives you a larger energy pool to draw from.
Augur Message/Streamline Increases your ability duration further (and stacks with continuity). A small percentage of spent energy is also converted to shields. Streamline will just give a reduction in energy usage, but switch these out to your preference.
Player's Choice This is an empty slot where you can put something that will cover a weakness you perceive in the build. You can add more ability strength with Augur Secrets or ability range with Augur Reach

Now, as well as the Warframe build from Jade, you will also need to build her Exalted weapon, Glory. By using the alt-fire in this mod, we can do a lot of damage to any marked enemies. You can use her first ability to mark lots of enemies below you, then nuke them with Glory.

This should be cheap enough to do with the following mods.再次,前四个是任何手枪制造的非常标准的mod,它将为我们提供巨大的损坏,关键机会,多疗法和火率的基础。

  • Hornet Strike
  • Target Cracker
  • 枪管扩散
  • 致命的洪流
  • Anemic Agility

Anemic Agility will cost us a little damage for a vastly improved rate of fire, giving us a better pure DPS number. The last three slots should be dedicated to damage types that suit the enemy you are facing.这些可以是元素的混合,它们可以很好地与您正在玩的派系相对,或者可能是派系mod真正对其进行加倍努力,因为它们在游戏中非常强大。

Best Jade Steel Path Build

I do not think you need to subsume anything on Jade, as the kit all works very well together and nothing feels weak right now. This might change in the future, but for now, I really like the kit. Arcanes are Molt Augmented for more ability power and Arcane Avenger for increased criticals from the exalted weapon.

Aura Mod – Aerodynamic Incoming damage reduction! You will want this all stacked up on Steel Path.
Aura Mod – Growing Power Increase ability strength by 25% for 6 seconds after causing a status effect with a weapon.
Exilus Slot – Aviator Damage reduction while airborne.
启动连续性A huge increase to ability duration and still it will also decrease energy drain from activity abilities.
Umbral Intensify Increase overall ability strength.
Primed Redirection Max those shields.
拉紧Increases the range of your abilities.
Fast Deflection Increase the recharge of your shields.
平衡Picking up health orbs also gives energy, and picking up energy orbs also gives health.
适应Further damage reduction.
短暂的毅力Pick up health orbs also gives energy, and picking up energy orbs also gives health.

The Glory build for Jade in Warframe is a very standard Pistol build with no real surprises.

  • Hornet Strike
  • 启动目标饼干
  • Prime Pistol Gambit
  • 镀锌扩散
  • 致命的洪流

After that, take the elemental mods that suit your opponents. This build is really just a platform from which to start experimenting and find something that really works for you. I've noticed a pretty big variety of builds for this Warframe out there already, although this is the one I have settled on for myself.

All Jade Abilities

In addition to those suggestions for the best Jade builds in Warframe , here's a list of her abilities.

Passive – The Anointed Jade's profound understanding of the relationship between life and death grants her two Aura Mod Slots.
Light's Judgement Create a well of light that heals allies and hurts enemies. Those who enter the well will be surrounded by Judgements.
Symphony of Mercy Cycle through three songs that strengthen allies:
Power of the Seven increases Ability Strength by +30 percent.
Deathbringer increases Weapon Damage by +100 percent.
Spirit of Resilience increases Shield Regeneration by +25 percent. Extend the duration of each song by killing enemies surrounded by Blessings.
Ophanim Eyes Jade summons an accusatory gaze that slows nearby enemies and dissolves their armor. When the gaze falls upon allies, they can be revived from a distance.
Glory on High Soar with destructive power. Use alternate-fire to detonate Judgments, causing an explosion of Jade Light. Enemies affected by Light's Judgment strengthen the explosion.

Warframe is available now.

UPDATE: This article was updated on 1/31/25 by Escapist Editorial to add additional value.



