Shopping Guararapes擁有超過8.6萬平方米的建築面積和超過5萬平方米的可讓可讓可讓的區域(GLA),是在佩南布科開業的第二家購物中心。它的位置是戰略性的。它位於賈巴托·多斯·瓜拉拉普斯(JaboatãoDosGuararapes)的皮埃德(Piedade),位於Suape港口的影響範圍內,這個地方將重要的行業融合在一起。
In total, there are 200 stores, in more than thirty segments, including the anchors C&A, Centauro, Império Móveis e Eletro, Casas Bahia, Game Station, Carrefour, Le Biscuit, Lojas Americanas, Marisa, Renner and Riachuelo, in addition to Cinépolis, a modern set of cinemas with ten rooms that have digital transmission, including 3D screening rooms. Faaca和ArmazémCentral餐廳是美食綜合大樓的一部分。除了包括銀行,彩票,自動取款機,旅行社,貨幣兌換,醫療診所,考試實驗室,美容院,智能健身健身房等的完整服務。