小心翼翼,一旦快速開車,“ Speedy! Watch Out ”會通知您。
小心翼翼,一旦快速行駛,“ Speedy! Watch Out ”將以您所處的道路速度限制通知您。它將告訴您根據當前道路上的駕駛歷史記錄的速度票的機會。它的數據庫是用戶生成的,您可以添加,驗證和報告道路的速度和阿拉伯語名稱(它們最初僅以英語為單位)。
" Speedy! Watch Out " uses internet and GPS to locate your car in real-time and tells you the speed limit associated with the current road you are driving in. It records your driving history, provides you with statistics, and tells you the chances of getting a speed ticket in current road based on your average speed in this road (The app is in beta, and it only supports Riyadh-Saudi Arabia city roads in terms of specifying speed limits for each road in the app database).
“ Speedy! Watch Out ”是協作的..您可以驗證道路速度,定義新的速度並報告錯誤的速度。您可以修改道路以向其添加阿拉伯語名稱,並將其發佈在我們的數據庫中。您可以隨時更新應用數據庫。
“ Speedy! Watch Out ”支持Android 1.5+。
**電話(讀取電話狀態和身份)有權允許該應用程序在Android 1.5+上工作
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›سمحح了ذ了。牽聯الالolthisthipout 。