狩獵季節開始了,所以準備好開槍! in Duck Hunting Season you are a sniper duck hunter and you can follow the ducks with your scope.那麼,您認為您是一個好狙擊手嗎?向我們展示您有多好,並射擊您看到的每隻鴨子。還是鴨子會嘲笑你,因為你不能射擊它們。
In Duck Hunting Season you will shoot the ducks with a sniper gun which has a great handling.您只需使用3個按鈕就可以放大,轉向和射擊鴨子。
Duck Hunting Season has a great gameplay and will give you the feeling that you are a real hunter.因此,抓住狙擊手槍穿上狩獵服裝,然後進入田野射擊鴨子。該遊戲全都與精度,瞄準和時機有關。不要忘記拉動扳機,否則您將永遠不會射擊鴨子。
Features of Duck Hunting Season :
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