Do note that before you can farm Drogar and Lycanthar, you first need to reach the Beastman Camp and enter The Colosseum.到達那里後,您需要遵循下面提到的步驟開始耕種這兩個老闆:
Once your spawn point has been changed to The Colosseum, just keep repeating from step 1 to farm the Drogar and Lycanthar bosses without worrying about dying and respawning elsewhere. Do note that these bosses are quite strong, so it is recommended to be at least Lvl 30 before attempting these fights.
報酬 | 稀有 | 統計 |
邊翼 (偉大) | 史詩 | 級別:35 身體傷害:16 +16強度 +2耐力 |
德加爾 (大符文) | 史詩 | 符文插槽:武器 +5強度 +5敏捷性 +5%的物理刺穿 |
報酬 | 稀有 | 統計 |
沙射機 (偉大的劍) | 傳奇 | 級別:40 身體傷害:18 +16強度 +4耐力 |
鱉甲 (重型胸甲) | 史詩 | 級別:40 裝甲:1000 +28強度 +8耐力 +10%的防守 +10%的魔術阻力 |
有關Rune Slayer Roblox的更多信息,請查看如何在Rune Slayer中快速獲得Beast Tamer Class,或者如何在Pro Game Guide中擺脫Rune Slayer中的賞金!