★ A FREE plugin of Daily Yoga which does NOT OPEN on its own
This is a FREE plugin of Daily Yoga and could NOT OPEN on its own.
Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:
Store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dailyyoga.inc
★ Introduction ★
Meditation is one of the most crucial aspects to cultivate more peace and happiness in life. It is to build self-esteem and intuition, hear your truth, make wise, skillful choices, improve communication, increase creativity and productivity, and let go.
If you've tried meditation thinking it would be quiet and peaceful you have probably been surprised to discover that it is quite a challenge. In a Zen meditative practice you are taught to meditate often for hours at a time in a seated position with an emphasis on maintaining a fixed posture. Usually, one's posture slips as the meditation wears on and this is believed to adversely affect the meditation.
At the core of meditation is the goal to focus and eventually quiet your mind, thus freeing your awareness. As you progress, you will find that you can meditate anywhere and at any time, accessing an inner calm no matter what's going on around you. You will also find that you can better control your reactions to things as you become increasingly aware of your thoughts (letting go of anger, for example). But first, you have to learn to tame your mind and control your breathing.
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