Cansado de não obter atualizações frequentes do WhatsApp? Here is the solution!
Get the latest Smileys and features in the WhatsApp Android Application!
This App checks for updates for the WhatsApp Android application from the official WhatsApp website and notifies whenever available. Get the latest features from WhatsApp before they release it on Play Store!!
ALSO, this update is way more frequent than the Play Store Updates. These are daily builds which is released by WhatsApp on their OFFICIAL website!
This App Downloads the ORIGINAL WhatsApp application. This App keeps you updated with more frequent updates of Messaging apps like WhatsApp than the Play Store updates.
Useful for people who like to stay updated with the latest WhatsApp version which is also downloadable from their website.
These updates have the latest features which are undergoing testing! Though it won't be completely stable, but you will get a sneak peak to the latest new features incorporated in WhatsApp!
Em breve:
- Sleuth of WhatsApp Utilities.
NOTE: This App is NOT from WhatsApp nor is in any way affiliated with the same. But it downloads the official WhatsApp Application for your phone!
Reason for BOOT_COMPLETED permission:
- Check for new updates and refresh all the update tasks on restart.
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