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Download WeDate and find your virtual mate till your soulmate!

Why's WeDate?

WeDate can make you find your virtual mate till your soulmate. This blind dating application has the advantage of filtering of sex, city, age from far location or around you. Just play the mini game by tap and tap to smash the block that blocking your mate

About WeDate :

WeDate created for you who would like to have and feel the very valuable experience of blind dating. You can feel this very valuable experience when you play this mini game that hides the face of your mate. Добавление вы можете подойти непосредственно, используя личное чат в этом приложении без необходимости обмена личной контактной информацией.

Advantage of WeDate :

In addition to curious about your mate face, WeDate has another advantage such as profile. This profile is written in full, start from name, age, address until hobby and even up to desired type of your mate. Вы можете увидеть этот профиль после того, как вы преуспели в том, чтобы разбить весь квартал в мини -игре, чтобы, если вы не хотите приглашать своего друга, вам не нужно добавлять ее в список ваших друзей.

Attaractive game feature

WeDate have 3 classes in the game, Silver Room, Gold Room and VIP Room. Beside that WeDate also have 3 unique relief items to help you complete the mission in the mini game. Now, let us explain about this 3 classes :

1. Silver Room

Silver Room will make you addicted to finish the mini game. You will get double pleasure and find a variety of opportunities to find your virtual mate or even your true mate.

2. Gold Room

If you have a favourite, you can play in the Gold Room! Gold Room have has access to the filtering area that you want and also the selection of age you want.

3. VIP Room

You will get the advantages of the most satisfying if you play in the VIP Room. Beside that to adding a filtration area and the age selection, in VIP Room you can get popular feature. This popular item will bring you with all the accounts that have a rating more popular than your account.

4. Item Boom!

Boom Item поможет вам уничтожить все блоки, которые вы хотите в мини -игре, чтобы вы могли немедленно увидеть фотографию вашего партнера за этими блоками.

5. Time Up

This item can increase your playing time at the beginning of the game. These items will automatically be used when the game began, So you possessed a lot more to complete destroy the blocks mission!

6. Item Shuffle

As the name implies, shuffle item can replace the rest of the block with a new block colors. This item block will be available throughtout the game and you can use anytime during the game at the start to help your mission.

Wedate apps are perfect for anyone who is interested in virtual love and Blind Dating

• If you want to find a friend, a date, until your mate

• Blind dating

• Mini block game addict!

• Find more popular friend

Wedate apps are perfect for anyone who is interested in virtual love and Blind Dating

Подписывайтесь на нас :

Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/WeDateID/

Main Web : http://wedate.astagames.com/

What's New in the Latest Version 0.9.6

Last updated on Apr 15, 2017 Fixed Bug
- Daily Quest Reward

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